new day.

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Chapter 34: new day.

I woke up.  I grabbed my bag when I opened it.. The glass teddy bear was there. My hand size glass teddy bear was there. My mothers half bear. It looked like it was hugging. Guess the person who has the other side makes it look like they are hugging.

I heard ashley. She made her way out the room. I quickly got up and fixed my bed. Grabbed my clothes and towel and went to shower.

   It was so relaxing. Its all over. I was done , grabbed my shoes and I was off.  Its been a weeks since the whole destroying school thing. I haven't seen stella, shawn, sally, ivy, matt, or sawyer in the time. They have been helping out fixing the school. Angel cleaned up his mess, but he is doing sometime in detention. The principal isn't putting up any charges, so all's good. 

I walked down the hall. Every thing looks ok. I managed to find another power. healing. Meditation helps with healing but the sky, sun rays or rain heals me.

   I regained full energy in two days tops. The teachers and the principal, decided it was time for the competition. So there is no school. We had our finals last week.

   Everyone is getting ready, preparing for the competition. All I know is everyone, meaning my friends,  are entering. Everyone except me and angel.

  I've seen angel and ivy hanging out more then usual. I sighed.

   I need to see someone. They hold some answers.

I walked into the field along with the crowd.

" i'm so lonely." I muttered. Everyone's been so busy preparing, training to win. me and angel were asked not to enter by the principal. We were offered an advance year. I decided not to accept the offer, because I hardly knew how to control my powers. While angel simply said he'll think about it.

  " hey sky" I heard. I turned around.

" oh. Hi angel. Ready to see the competition."

" yup. They were able to cut some contestants. There are only ten now"

" and six are our friends."

" yea. I mean I find it weird how they all got in" angel said as we sat down on the bleachers.

" hey. They are the top students. Who ever wins will be top of the tops." I smiled as he let out a chuckle.

  When the competition started everyone cheered. Everyone who was participating entered with a cape? We laughed.

" why are they wearing capes?" I asked.

" oh you see... Its a tradition. Every contestant wears the cape for good luck. Saying that the old champion Fredrick goldman has their backs. Helps them win the competition. " angel said as he clapped and looked my way.

" weird tradition but alright. "

" plus... It makes them look cool"

That made me laugh.

As they called their names we cheered for our friends. ivy had a nice green knee-length dess as her green cape made her brown hair pop. stella had a pink dress, which isn't a surprise seeing how her powers invole love. Ashley was flaming red. Sally was blue, representing the earth. Then came in the guys. Not bad. Casual dressed.

  The competition was divided in three tests. Battle, art, and ability.

First up it was stella and some guy called billy.

Magic school: The competition beginsWhere stories live. Discover now