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Chapter 30: Justice: the tales of sawyer, matt and angel.

Angel had blood shot eyes. I bet he hasn't slept well.

   Nah duh. Even though I was fighting him. It felt so wrong. Like none of this is actually real. Am I dreaming? I think I am? But then again.

Angel sent plants towards me. I was so lost in thought I forgot and was sent flying towards the wall. I took long to contour. My reflexes weren't fast enough to save me.

'yup. Its real' I muttered.

" skylar! Get up. Idiot." I heard sawyer. My eyes twitched, I shut my eyes let out a deep breath.

" YOU BIG BUTT BRAIN I KNOW THAT! LET ME FIGHT MY OWN BATTLES WITHOUT YOU JUDGING MY EVERY WRONG MOVE. YOU HEARTLESS JERK!" I yelled at him. Everyones jaw dropped and matt,and sawyer didn't ,matt was laughing and sawyers jaw harden. By the looks of it i'm dead. You could see it in his eyes which say

' you'll regret that.'

I huffed and focused on angel. He is my priority. Right now its just me and him. No one else just me and him. He sent plants. I dodged but he was growing stronger what have i learned?

Um..... Running away. I rolled my eyes.

Come on sky! Think. my eyes widen. Plants all around me. Sharp points.

" are you warmed up yet?"

" nope." I groaned. This wasn't maxium.

   I quickly raised my force field. Once they hit, I was pushed back a bit everytime it hit my force field. Every hit.... Stronger.

" give up?"

" what! My life! I rather Not!" I yelled .

" skylar!" everyone yelled.( not angel)

" we believe in you!"

" focus!"

"WHEN YOU TELL ME TO FOCUS I CAN'T FOCUS." I yelled seeing how they are outside the gym they can't get in but they can see.

  " we believe in you" ivy cracked.

" SHUT UP!" I pushed angels plants back.

" god, man what do you feed those plants.ugh" I groaned.

" tired already!"

I lost it. I waved my hand to make it look like I slapped the air in front of me. Creating a tornado that riped the plants off his control and into the next galaxy. He looked dizzy.

  Since the gym had sport supply out levitation came in. I raised my hand and just like the tornado. Hit.


" ouch" I muttered seeing how one of the balls hit somewhere the sun should never shine. He groaned in pain. He teleported.

Not this time. I shook my head, closed my eyes, and when I opened them I was in a weird room. I wasn't even sure I was at MS High anymore.

" we're not at MS High anymore. Are we?"

" no "



And their gone. Gone. Everyone was panicking I just stared at the place they stood. Not removing my gaze from their spot I muttered

" so this is how it ends."

" he really changed." Matt said walking next to me.

" you could say that... But he has never changed. He wad like that ever since he was small. The only person who has changed is skylar. And boy is she a pain"

Matt rolled his eyes.

" she's fine. but if angel was always that way why is he opening up now?" I shrugged and looked at him as he gave me a confused look.

" not sure. Like everyone says, he's evil. But not all of that is true." I sighed.


Tales of sawyer, matt and angel : The orphanage

" welcome to mr. huckles all boy orphanage, sawyer. " a sweet voice said. The women that helped sawyer ever since they found him in the streets, held his hand and led the way. Sawyer was dragged out the car and into the building.

   " hi there. " sawyer looked up and saw a teenage boy, sawyer had a bad feeling about this. He was just a kid, age thirteen. The teen took  the wight year old sawyer and ruffled his hair.

" I got it from here miss." He saluted. Sawyer rolled his eyes and walked away.

" ah, no where do you think your going. Get back here." The teen pulled him back, by pulling the back of his collar. Sawyer almost choking gave him a glare.

" you don't scare me dweeb. " he rolled his eyes and picked sawyer up. Sawyer punched his back, he was being held upside down. The blood rushing down his head.

" put him down jerry!" The teen stopped and looked at a young black haired boy aroung the same age as sawyer. The teen groaned and rolled his eyes.

" buzz off matthew." He said. Matt rolled his eyes.

" not a chance butt brain." Jerry laughed.

" kid your a pain." He ruffled his hair and carried matt. He laughed but tried to keep a straight face.

  " ok you guys go play. I need to help mr. huckle. Welcome kiddo." Jerry ruffled sawyers hair again before turning his heel and marching off.  Sawyer was confused. He wasn't sure if he had just gotten bullied or just made a friend.

" hi. Your new. The name is matthew. Matthew Evans." He said proudly. Sawyer gave him a confused expression before nodding.

" sawyer. Sawyer james." He smirked.

" good. that was jerry. He's not a bad guy. He's a pain. But he's ok." Matt smiled and they both walked down a hall.

Matt started to give a tour then played around a bit.

" here, this place,You need to be hard core. strong. Just to survive." Matt said flexing. Sawyer gave him a weird look. Trying hard to hold back the laughter, he took a dreep breathe and looked away.

  He noticed another little guy with black hair, Alone ,playing with toy trucks. matt noticed him staring and said

"  thats angel. He's a very quiet, shy kid. He doesn't talk to any one thou."

I nodded.

As the years went on both boys grew to become best friends. angel rejects every single person that comes and talks to him. Until the boys finally reached the age of eleven.... where they found there powers. transferred to a different orphanage. Along with angel... thanks to jerry, who happend to also attend MS High long time before them helped them out.

That is where they found out of MS High. With pure hope. The three entered the school... And are what you see today.


It was weird. I know. I really need to work on it. But yay. We got more reads. Yea. Sorry for a little mix up with the last chapters.

Thanks for reading. thank you for support. My upcoming books will come out pretty soon. The pearl worth saving and the second book of MS High. MSH: the black butterfly. Hope you guys read which will be out later on by the end or middle of the year. please read my friends books..

Powers untold by zuperzack. And seekers of hope: wild heart by sirbuttlegs. Thank you.


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