meeting mr. evil?

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Meeting mr. evil.

I walk through the halls looking at all the classroom numbers searching for the right class I belonged in.

Class 2-A

I sighed as I slid open the door and  walked into the class room of my first period.

  All eyes were on  me. This is the part I hate about the first days of school.

"  Ah miss Henderson. Welcome. class this is Miss Skylar Henderson..she is a new student here even though this is a new school year she is new to this school. SO,  Please be nice to our new friend." I gave a small smile as I scanned around for people I hoped I can get along with.

  I spotted  ivy in the middle table and once she caught my sight  she waved hi. Ashley was on the far left by the door writing down but smiled when she saw me.

  I saw an empty seat and to my luck  it was by the window. To make it better it was between sawyer and matthew oh and lets not forget angel to the side.

Once everyone got loud enough to start throwing paper airplanes The teacher quiet everyone down.

  " Please sit between Mr. Evans and Mr. Jackson." He said.

  He pointed at the empty seat by the window and I walked over to the desk and sat down.  I could hear whispers from the from of the room from where I am.

' she's so lucky.'

' I wish I could be in her spot.'

'hey check out the new girl.'

' nice'

This is going to be a long school year.


   While the teacher explained the lesson I took notes that were needed but every now and the I would stared off to space.

With the turn of the head, I noticed that angel was also taking notes..... Or scribbling.  Afraid that he may catch me staring I turned to face front and leaned forward resting my chin on my hand.

The teacher continued to talk and once he was done he clasp his hands together waking up every body from their slumber.

  " now get into pairs with The person in front of you." He said. 

  I realized the person in front of me was matthew Evans.  I never really talk to him. Nor noticed him actually. I wanted to finish my work but instead I looked out side the window.

  " enjoying the view of outside?" I heard. I shifted my eyes to the right and Sat up again.

  " um yea..?" I said facing back infront to see Matthews face. He gave me the curious eye before he chuckled.

" how do you like the school so far?" He asked trying to keep the conversation going. Let's just say I'm not good with conversations. I'm not even social. I get shy easily.

" um...." I said as I looked away. I brought my hand towards my lips. I thank my long sleeve  uniform jacket that covers my hand.

" don't be shy... Look i'm Matthew Evans nice to meet you." He said. I know who you are. Was all that I could think of.

  " um... Skylar hen-henerson." I stuttered. He laughed.

  " well skylar it will be my honor to be your partner."

I just nodded.

  That didn't seem to be in favor with matthew since he just gave me a pity look. He turned back.

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