your back?

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  Chapter 26: your back?

Sawyer's pov:

We quickly got some gears, and we carefully exited the room. I

" come on." I heard matt say. We both looked around the halls and hid against the wall.

" ok. The infirmary. Or the nurse is office, because you don't know what infirmary means." I gave matt a deadly glare 

" really. A joke. When we are trying to live. "

" sorry. Ok so it has to be in the south building."

" and we are in the north?"

" north. In a secret room both me and sky found." Matt said.

" when?"

" long time ago."

  " seriously."

" yea."

" shut up. Somethings crawling over there." I noticed a plant crawling. Slowly. This would so be scary if it was a hand.

I slowly moved along the side of the wall , and lead the way. As we ran down the halls and into the south building, I saw the nurses office.

" there it is." matt said.

I grabbed the door knob.

" its locked." I hissed.

  " who ... Ugh." Matt kicked the door.

" we need to get in. ivy has a high fever. She gets worse."

   I heard a crack, then a boom. I looked back and saw a plant stem shoot through the wall.

" ah crud. " matt said as we ran.

" go. Go."



I exited the airport. Called a cab, and on my way to see my friends. Once there, I exited and ran towards the entrance.

I'm back. I'm back!

  I ran into a force field that threw me away. As I landed on my ass.

" what? Ah nah. I am coming in." I said. I focus and closed my eyes, and let out a breath. I can do this. Please make this work. I opened my eyes and walked through the force field.

  " omg I did it! Yes!" I cheered and jumped. I heard a big boom.

" oh right." I snapped back and ran towards the school.



" run! "

" really I thought I had to crawl!" Sawyer hissed.

   ",we need to go back." I said.

" no. if you weren't paying attention. There is a plant after us. that doesn't sound scary enough."

    I just rolled his eyes at me.

" its for ivy." I muttered and that made him freeze. he groaned and looked back.

" you need to work fast. " he said as we began to run back. 

I smiled and nodded.

As we ran, plants shot out from walls and directly at us in which I used ice to stop it.

" we need to get in there." I was distracted in protecting us I forgot about sawyer trying to open the door. I was brought back when I heard glass break.

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