new friends

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New friends


  It was the first day of school and Since this is a private school... I had to wear a uniform. A red and black checkered skirt, and a white blouse that had a ribbon around the collar and a tan blazer .

  I let my dirty blonde-brown shoulder length hair down as I looked in the mirror and I looked what you say average.

  My blue eyes like usual, sad and torn to pieces. I cried myself to sleep again, loneliness kicked in like a truck.

   I heard a knock on the door and curious, I opened the door to reveal a bored Stella and a curious Ashley, she left earlier than I did. 

" hey ." They said in a cheerful tone that it cheered me up a bit. I completely forgot i  was going to walk with them so I quickly got my bag and tied up my hair in a half down half up style.  as i watched out the door i couldn't notice but see ivy slowly walking down the hall of the dorms, with her head in a book.

" hey ivy!" I called out as I waved hi to her.

She, shaken by my sudden greeting,  returned the  small waved and smile as she closed her book.I gladly motioned her to come over to us so we can talk but She hesitated. 

" Isn't that the animal lover, the one with cute animals." Ashley said.

" Her name is Ivy." I corrected Ashley as I hurried over to ivy and grabbed her arm.

" get over here. so how was your morning?" i said as i locked arms with her and walked with her to where Stella and Ashley were. 

i guess she was nervous because her voice was soft when she answered my question. " ah, it was okay. have you guys eaten breakfast?"

" we are about to go" I answered as we reached Stella and Ashley.

  " hey Stella." Ivy said softly.

" HEY STELLA. HHHEEYYY STEELLA" Stella yelled at Ivy before walking over and grabbing her in a head lock.

" HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STOP BEING SO SHY. COME ON IVY." Stella joked around with Ivy as Ivy fixed her glasses when Stella decided to let go.  I stared eyes wide open confused about this situation.

" we've been friends since kinder." Stella said to clear up my confusion in which i just answered with an ' ah ' face.

  " shall we begin our tour then?" Ashley said as she walked ahead. I sighed and shrugged before locking my room and catching up to everyone.


" The opening ceremony won't start until another hour so we have time to catch a cup of coffee." Stella said.

" I'll pass, not a big fan of caffeine." I said embarrassingly.
  Its just me and her since both Ashley and Ivy went to the library to catch up on some homework.

We were currently in the middle of the campus. Staring at the main building that was covered by trees.

 Staring at the main building that was covered by trees

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   " So how was your old school. Is it better than this one?" Stella asked as she hopped towards the small park that contained a statute of a young women and things( random objects) around her. 

" um no, it not better but the school was ... It was OK." I said staring at the statue as I answered her.

" oh That's the school  library. It has two floors with a lot of nerds.. Like me.  HEY CHECK IT OUT! there's Matthew." Stella said as she pointed out a boy with black hair sitting on the stairs of the library, reading a book.

  " He is known as the school's prince charming. " Stella said in a joking matter as she help up air quotations around " prince charming"

  " why?" I asked unaware that my tone sounded disgusted.

" Can't you see it? He's cute! He's sweet, caring... Rumor says that he is dirty rich." She said as she smiled greedily.

" my, my my. I see a green girl looking at something very wrong." i joked as she playfully punched my arm. i sighed and moved my hands behind my back and in between my backpack.  Something tells me she is nothing like Cinderella.

" He's a girl's  dream boy." She finished off as she batted her eyes.

  I wasn't going to argue with her logic but I looked back up and there now was a  boy with dirty blonde hair walking up to Matthew and From what I can see he had his hands full. He had two girls walking beside him with the shortest skirts that could be just underwear soon.

   He's that one crazy blonde conceited kid... what was his name again?

"That's sawyer...cruel cold heart guy."

" He is known for being the schools bad boy or playboy. He is the opposite of Matthew but some how girls still go after him. Its not a surprise opposites attract.  He and Matt are good friends best to be exact. Not only is he  a threat to all students because of his s dark powers, but hes mister steal your girl. no one does anything about it because he is the Strongest in all his dark power class. the most dangerous magic there is. " she said annoyed and unimpressed.

  " If they are opposite wouldn't they get into fights.... A lot?" I asked Stella as she messed with her hair.

" yeah.. But not often, sawyer is known for getting into fights but he and Matt been good friends since kinder I think. They benefit each other, Matthew keeps him out of trouble and Sawyer keeps Matthew alive." she teased as we both giggled a bit before We became silent for what seemed to be five minutes before she broke the ice again.

" well well...He came after all." she lifted her hand below her chin and formed the most evilest smile I've ever seen. she raised her brows indicating that shes impressed.

" who?" I asked nervously looking the direction she was looking at.

" Angel." She said pointing at him as he stood alone behind the building in the shadows. It didn't take me long noticed him, he does have an eye catching figure.

  He had black hair like Matt and he is sawyers height but maybe shorter. He was skinny as a bone and had all black clothes not to mention pale skin.

" He lost both his parents when he was a baby. His parents are opposites meaning dark magic and light magic but they loved each other. Talk about Romeo and Juliet." she muttered as she parted her hair from her face.

" His dad had dark powers. His powers weren't made for good, but when he met Angel's mom.... He changed.  She was light magic. Meaning her powers are for good. she brought Out the good in him even though it was hurting him. Love killed him you could say." She said never removing her gaze from him.

"Its just a rumor no one knows what happened to his parents.... But he never truly met them. But it is to say that his mom loved him." She finished.

   " He like his parents is dark and light." She added with a sigh after.

" is that even possible?" I asked. She just nodded.

" he only shows the dark side of him .... no one knows why." She finished.

I never looked away from angel... He was in so much pain inside.

" do you think....he hates light... He never been happy so all he shows are his hate and sadness?" I said.

  Stella shrugged.

" maybe... I never really talked to him.... I only helped him out once.Angel is mysterious....  no one ..... Sees the real him... Evil. " she said.

I just shook my head.
" What a ironic name. Angel." I whispered.

  We heard the schools clock bells go off, meaning it was time for the opening ceremony.

" we should hurry. lets go!"

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