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Gabriel turned around to see Zachary standing there.

"Dude, what did you do to my sister?"

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything to her." Gabriel was confused.

"She kissed you and you pushed her to the ground."

Realisation dawned on Gabriel's face.


"Yeah 'oh'. So, now will you tell me why did you do that? She has been crying since then."

"Because she kissed me in front of Nitara. The girl that is my choosen mate just to create misunderstandings between us."

"Wait. You have choosen the new girl to be your mate. Why dude? Tasha is far better then her to be a luna."

"No, she isn't."

"She loves you Gabriel since she was nineteen."

Gabriel scoffed at that.

"If she would have loved me, I wouldn't be smelling a different male scent on her every week."

Zachary looks confused at this.

"Don't tell me that you can't smell it. Your sister has slept around half of the pack. Do you want me to make her Luna? Sorry buddy can't do that."

He just patted Zachary's shoulder and walked back to his home.

When he reached his home, he went straight to the kitchen.

"Mum." he shouted for her.

Luna Eva appeared in the doorway in five minutes.


"I am taking Nitara on a date tonight. I need to cook something. What should I cook?"

"Well, what does she like?"

"Umm.. food. She is not a fussy eater. She like everything."

"Does she have a sweet tooth?"

"No, she actually never eat sweet thing much."

"So, something sweet is out of option."

"Umm.. yeah. She likes her food a bit spicy but not too much then her hiccups start. So i can't even cook something too much spicy. Should i make a pizza? But its our first date, it would be to casual..."

Eva was watching her boy ramble on and on. Even talking about her has put a loving smile on his lips.

'He is so wipped.' she thought.

"Umm.. mum.. you are not helping." Gabriel whined.

His mother just chuckled.

"Why don't you make tacos? You make them pretty good. I bet she would like them."

"Yesss.. thank you mum. I will just get working then."

Then he started trotting around gathering the ingredients for making tacos.

'She is so good for him.' Luna Eva's wolf said in her mind. She was purring seeing their pup so happy.

Luna Eva just nodded agreeing, then turned around leaving the kitchen to her son.


Nitara entered the pack house still in the dress from yesterday night. She walked up the stairs to her room.

She was just about to enter his room, when something red entered the linee of her vision. Before she could turn her face to look at the person, she as on the floor with her crazy best friend straddling her.

"How was it?"

"It was amazing. The food. Alpha. Luna. They both were really sweet. Though Liam's topic came once, but apart from that everything was perfect."

"Aww. That is so good."

"Tracey, would you get up from me now?"

"Oh yeah."

Tracey got up and helped her up too and they entered her room together. They sat on her bed together.

"So, we are going on a date tonight."

"Oh my god. You guys are going on your first date." Tracey shrieked, all excited.

"Calm down Tracey."

"Don't tell me you aren't screaming inside your head right now. I mean its Gabriel. Have you seen him? Every unmated she-wolf wants to go out with him. Some of the mated too."

"That is just creepy."

After a hard glare from Tracey, she confessed,

"Alright, alright I am screaming in my head too and my insides are doing tango right now."

"Knew it." she said jumping on her bed.

Nitara laughed at Tracey being so silly.

"God, when will I find my one true love. I want my mate too. You are younger than me and you have even found 'the one'."

"You will find him Tracey. Don't rush. Maybe he is waiting for you too."

"Yeah. Maybe."

"So, what are you two doing for your date?"

"We are kind of, having like a picnic. He is cooking something and i will be cooking something. I am thinking about what to make."

"Umm... i have heard Gabriel has a sweet tooth."

"Yeah, he just loves sweet things."

"No wonder he is so into you."

"What?" Nitara sniggered at her friends analogy.

"You should make a cake."

"Yeah! I will make a chocolate cake."

Nitara had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"And should I take something to drink?"

"I think Gabriel would think about that. You just make the cake."

"Hmm.. alright. Lets go and make a cake."


It was eight o'clock in the evening, the ususal time that they met in the clearing. Nitara took out the cake from the refrigerator and put it in a container to carry.

She left the house.

However, when she entered the clearing her jaw dropped to the floor.

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