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Nitara didn't understand why Tracey was so worried about her wearing Gabriel's shirt.

"Did you forget what i told you about?"

Nitara tried to remember anythin important that Tracey mentioned about Gabriel. But she remembers correctly Gabriel never came up in their conversation.

"We never talked about Gabriel."

"Didn't I tell you that Tasha is our future Luna?"

"Yeah! But what's it got anyth..."

The rest of her sentence got lost in the space as she connected the dots. Gabriel is the future Alpha, and if Tasha was to be a Luna she has to be his mate.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh my god. They are both mates. I am so stupid."

"Yes, no, no. Yes, oh my god is the right reaction. No, they are not mates. And no, you are not stupid, just a bit ignorant." Tracey replied chuckling.

"If they are not mates, then how come she is the future Luna?"

Tracey became serious again.

"Gabriel has never found his mate. He will be 25 next year. And you know that every Alpha needs a Luna before taking his position as an Alpha. Tasha is the only girl Gabriel ever talked to before. So everybody thinks that he would choose her as his Luna."

Nitara heaved a sigh as she took this all in. If her opinion mattered, Tasha would not be a good Luna.

But it didn't matter.

She just said an 'oh' and started walking towards kitchen. Somehow she has lost her appetite but she has to feed or else her wolf would get weak.

"Yeah." Tracey followed behind.

They reached kitchen and Tracey pulled out the bowls for fixing cereal again. However, Nitara interupted her.

"Keep those back. I am making omellete today."

Tracey looked at her with heart eyes.

"You can cook too. Babe, you are just too perfect."

"Psst. I am not perfect. I just like learning things." she said while collecting all the ingredients that she needed.

Then she got to work. Fifteen minutes later, Tracey had a delicious looking omellete in front of her. Nitara went to refrigerator, "What do you want- milk or juice?"

"Umm.. milk."

She poured milk in a glass for Tracey and in another glass she poured some orange juice. As they started eating Shane entered the kitchen.

"Who made that?"

"Nitara. Here, have some."

Tracey gave him a bite from her omlette. After gulping the bite with some milk. He looked at Nitara and asked her playfully,

"Marry me?"

Nitara choked on her bite and started coughing.

"Hey! Hey! I was just kidding. Calm down."

Nitara took a sip of her juice and calmed a bit. She laughed a bit on Shane's silliness.

"You know, I am not that bad. You seriously wound my ego babe."

Neither girl said anything, they just hunched over in laughter.

"You are such a dork Shane. You remind me of my brother Oliver back home."

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