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Rest of their day passed real slow.

Nitara went to her room and took a shower and slept for some while. After waking up went to the kitchen and helped other people cook.

Gabriel returned to the training grounds and helped others train.

It was eight o'clock. Mostly pack members that have pups have retreated back to their rooms or houses, the rest were hanging out around in groups.

Nitara was still trying to decide whether she should go or not.

'You have told him twice that you would come.' Lena tried to reason with her.

'Yeah, but Tasha?'

Lena scoffed.

'Since when do you believe in something someone else told you about?'


'No but Nitara, he wanted to see you. If he didn't he wouldn't have asked twice.'


'So now go. Ask him.'

"You know what, you are right. I should go and ask him." Nitara said out aloud.

She went out and walked towards the woods making sure nobody was looking.

She reached the clearing, Gabriel was not here yet. She decided she would just lie down and wait for him.

She was just gazing at the stars when she heard footsteps approaching. She smelt to be sure and yeah it was roses, cranberry and his cologne.

She didn't move. Gabriel reached her and lied down beside her.

They just stayed like that.

Not talking.

Just gazing at the stars.

Silence between them was never uncomfortable.

Gabriel looked at her through the corner of his eye. Again he had the urge to touch her face. Before he could control his urge, his hands reached her face.

As he expected touching her face was like touching silk. It was so soft.

She unknowingly leaned into his touch. Her eyes closing.

Something happened.

This was not a known feeling for both of them. The intensity that she felt on his touch even made a tear drop out of her eyes.

"Nitara." Gabriel said her name in a wisper.

She replied with a weak 'hmm'.

"Open your eyes."

She didn't.

Her stomach was filled with weird sensations. Her heart was beating as if a running rabbit.

"Look at me. Please."

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking in his forest green eyes.

Some small part of her brain decided to ruin their moment, reminding her of what Tracey said about Tasha.

She sat up instantly.

'What was I about to do?' her mind was reeling.


"I.. I.. mmm.. I have a question.. umm.. its kind a ummm.. I mean you can choose not to answer. But I.. I have to get it off my chest."

Gabriel sat up chuckling, "Ask away."

"Umm.. is there something.. umm.. between you and umm.. Tasha?"

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