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Gabriel woke up feeling the need to go see Nitara.

'Damn! This girl has wrapped me around her fingers.' he said chuckling. He didn't mind being like that. He would do anything to see that girl smile.

He got up and got ready to go to her. He walked down the stairs and saw his mother cooking.

"Good morning mom." he greeted her.

"Good morning son. Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes. I am going to the pack house."

"This early? Have some breakfast first."

Gabriel kissed her mother's cheek and said,

"I will eat there. I will be home later."

Luna Eva was just as astounded as she was a week ago when he came home smiling. Everyday she sees him, she sees her seventeen year old son back.

'I wish he will be this happy always.'

Gabriel entered the pack house and started walking towards stairs but he got a wiff of her scent coming from the kitchen. He went towards the kitchen and saw Nitara and her friend in there eating pancakes.

"Can I get some too?" he asked with a smirk.

Nitara looked towards him, standing in the doorway leaning against the doorpost smirking at her. Nitara blushed.

"Yeah, I will make you some."

Nitara got to work. Gabriel just stayed there looking at her working around in the kichen with a smile. Tracey was watching the two around each other.

'They are so cute together.' She thought to herself.

Gabriel felt his face being grabbed and feeling of lips on his lips. They were not the lips he was accustomed to, they felt so wrong. He pushed the owner of the lips away.

He looked around for Nitara but she was nowhere to be found. He looked at Tracey and she had a sad expression on her face. He looked down at the stupid she-wolf and saw his bestfriend's sister sprawled on the floor.

'Kill her. She hurt Nitara.' Kaiden was furious.

'No, right now I need to find Nitara. Goddess only knows whats going through her head right now.'

With that he took off.


It all happened too quickly.

Nitara could not bear to be there. She ran outside. She reached the park that was near the nursery. She just stood there watching the little pups running and playing around.

The sight soothed her.


Gabriel found her standing near the park. He walked towards her but was hesitant to approach her.

'Will she forgive me?'

'What is she thinking of me right now?'

'Just go talk to her. If she shouts just listen. If she hits you just take it.' Kaiden told her.

'I would take anything.' Gabriel said and walked towards her. He wrapped his hands around her from behind. Her reaction shocked him.

Instead of pushing him away, she leaned into his touch. Her stiff back relaxing in his chest and she sighed in relief.

Right now, nothing mattered.

The people who were around them. Their scrutinizing eyes. Their whispering voices. This was first time they have seen Gabriel with a girl except for Tasha.

Now, here he was holding this girl like she was the only person in the world.



"Please don't be mad on me."

Nitara looked up at him with a funny look on her face.

"Why would I be?"

"Because of what happened back in the kitchen."

Nitara turned around in his arms, now facing him and put both her hands on either side of his face.

"Gabriel, I have only known you for a week but I still know that you would never do anything to intentionally hurt me."

"Then why did you ran away from there?"

"Would you have liked it, if I had killed a pack member of yours?"

Gabriel chuckled and stared at the short girl with adoring eyes. This is the reason why he loved her. She was so mature and so sorted.

"You are amazing."

Gabriel told her and dipped his head and captured her lips in between his. These are the lips that he loved tasting.

The lips that were made just for him.

They just stood there in each others embrace, kissing, having no care of the world.

The pack members were looking at the two in amazement. Tracey was standing there with a huge grin plastered over her face.

Tasha, she and her barbies were just seething looking at the couple in their loving embrace.

Nitara and Gabriel parted and looked around, both of their cheeks heated. Gabriel took her hand and started walking towards the pack house not caring about the stares and whispers going around.

They entered and went to her room. Gabriel left her hand and just casually stolled towards her bed and flopped down, beckoning her towards him.

Nitara went to the bed and sat beside him. He pulled her down to his chest. They both just laid there.


"Yes, love?"

Butterflies were fluttering around in Nitara's belly like they always did whenever he called her love and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

"I was talking to my family earlier and.. umm.. I meant to ask you.. umm.. they wanted to.. umm.. meet you.. I mean you don't have to.. but you know.."

Gabriel put his finger on her lips to keep her from rambling more. He loved her rambling but right now he needed to answer her question that she was having a hard time to get out.

"Tara, I would love to meet your family whenever you want me to meet them. I just have one condition."

Nitara grew perplexed. Gabriel saw this and chuckled.

"Hey relax. I was just asking, would you like to have dinner with my family tonight?"

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