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The rest of the family came out of the house not aware of what just happened.

They took their turns in hugging Nitara. Then the attention was diverted to the two people who were standing still as if their world have just stopped spinning.

Ironically, it had.

"Hudson?" Alpha called him.

When he didn't listen then he called him again using a stern voice.

Hudson and Tracey both snapped out of their own world.



Came their responses.

"Dad, mom this is my mate.."

"Tracey." she told him with crimson staining her cheeks.

"Tracey." Hudson finished his sentence looking at her with heart eyes.

"Yeah, now he has met his mate, why would he pay attention to anyone else."

This came for Nitara and continued,

"I came especially for him, and look he doesn't even pay attention to me."

"Aww little sis come here." Hudson again took her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.

A low growl emitted from Gabriel and the attention was turned to him.

Hudson looked towards the guy with narrowed eyes, he knew what he was doing, but still decided not to release Nitara from his hold.

"So, you are our sister's mate."

At this Oliver came and stood next to his siblings.


Nitara knew this headstrong person won't say anything else, so she took it on herself to introduce him.

She got out of her brother's hold and went to Gabriel taking his hand in her, somehow relaxing him a bit.

"He is Gabriel Reed."

"Oh, you are Alpha Reed's son." Alpha David joined them.

"Yes sir."

'Always so uptight.' Nitara mocked him through their mind link, smirking.

"Oh please, call me David. You are family now."

Then pulled Gabriel for a bro-hug.

He patted his back. As the Alpha released him, he found himself pulled into another embrace. This was from someone softer.

Luna Ethna was ecstatic to finally meet him.

"Finally, my baby girl can have the love she deserves."

Nitara went red.

"Don't worry. I will give her everything that she deserves and more." Gabriel told her.

"Oh my baby."

Luna Ethna beckoned Nitara to herself. She moved into her embrace.

"You two look so great together."

Then she faced the other newly found pair and took both Hudson and Tracey in her arms.

"My boy has been waiting so long for you." she told Tracey and kissed her cheeks.

"Come now, you all must be hungry. I made all your favourite food."

At this Nitara was first one inside the door and in the dinning room.

Everyone chuckled at the girl who was so childish.

Gabriel was glad that there were other people too, around whom Nitara let her guard down.

They all followed behind her.

She was already sat at the table with her plate piled with food. Everyone followed her lead.

Tracey was now feeling a lot more at ease as she saw how welcoming her mate's family is.

The table was filled with chatter.

The boys were warming up to each other slowly.

"Don't kid with me! I don't believe that for a second." Hudson said with an horrific expression.

"Yeah, we refuse to believe that she wore a dress." Oliver let out with same expression as his brother.

If it isn't for their different hair color, they can easily pass off as same person. They looked scarily identical, even if they weren't twins.

"Well, if she has finally started wearing dresses, she can wear one for tonight." Luna Ethna pipped in.

"What is tonight?" Nitara asked curiously.

"A small pack barbecue party." Alpha David said, somewhat sheepishly.

"Why?" she inquired further.

"I might have been a bit excited that my daughter was coming home after a month."

Nitara's heart melted at this. She knew that they loved her. But didn't think that her absence would effect them as such.

She smiled at the old man.

"Thanks dad."

Alpha David's eyes widened as she uttered the words he has been dying to hear since he took her in.

Nitara felt a burden lifted from her shoulder as she called him her dad. He has practically raised her as his daughter afterall.

They both looked at each other with overflowing emotions, both teary-eyed.

Everyone else around just watching the two silently, beaming, not wanting to interupt their moment.

Rest of the lunch passed on just like that, joking, poking fun.

They were like a little happy family.


Nitara was not really sure about tonight though.

Because he would be there.

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