Chapter45: Weber Weber

Start from the beginning






Im thinking

Bella's thinking

Im thinking

Isabella Marie Swan Hale Volturi is in a deep thought.

" Excuse me Madame? "

Caius asked.

I nearly jumped. And that was what Im going to do if imj still human.

" Yes Master Caius?"

I realized Edward and ALice were nowhere in my sight now.

" I have noticed.. that you have been restless. "

" OH. Yes. I admit. Ive been restless. "

"  Well? What could be the reasons?"

" My high school friend.. "

He raised one eyebrow.

" Well...I have channeled her and I found out that she was being tortured by some vampire, and later on changed her. And now she's one of us.. She's coming to the castle.. She will ask from you her death because she doesn't want to be a monster. "

Caius stared ahead. Looking out at our  big family in the pavilion. Some were dancing, some were drinking red stuff. ( You know what it is xD)

" Then let her come. " 

Caius squeezed my arm and left. I saw him went to Renata and asked her for a dance, which REnata gladly accepted.

" OH men! TRouble. " I mentally slapped my forehead.

I went out to look for Jasper and found him with Marco.

" HI Mommy! "

" hey baby!"

" My sweet love.. You are anxious. What's the matter?"

I was surprised when Emmett materialized behind a curtain. Holding  iPhone4. And from the sound coming from his gadget, he's playing PLants VS. Zombies. 0_o

" OH Emmett. I missed you. "

I went to him and hugged him.

" Missed you more sisterlettyyy! " He lifted me up and spun me around like a child and gave me soft kiss on my forehead.

And it made my anxiousness go away. OH my! I so love Emmett! He's such the best brother in whole world.

I told Jasper and Emmett the matter.

They just told me to relax.

And I did. Every now and then, channeling Angela. BUt all I can see is white stuff. CLOUDS. -_-

sOMEtimes, my gift has limitations. 

We enjoyed the ball and even dance with Charlie my dad and Conrad. Did some showdown with Edward and a slow dance with my ever loving mate, Jasper and son Marco. I also danced with Felix and Demetri and Alec. And also with the three Masters.

I also danced with Carlisle, Esme Alice Rosalie and Emmett.

They just told me that they will be leaving for about a decade to go to somewhere far south of America. I bid them goodbyes gave them kisses and hugs. OH. Except for Emmett because he will be staying here in the Volturi with her wife. Rosalie.

We will still be seeing each other. But they said it will be less sadder if they leave right after the party.

The ball ended at exactly four a.m.

I made Jasper and Marco go to our room because I will still have to patrol. MAke sure that the party has ended in order, I checked the entrance and exits in the pavilion and aLso in entrance and exits of the Volterra castle.

On my way back to my room, Angela appeared in my mind. She was now going down the  plane accompanied by her knapsack. 

Jane and Aro were walking hand in hand and I waved for them to see me. They gave me bright smiles and Jane mouthed " Talk to you tomorrow ".I just nodded eagerly.

When I opened the door to our room, I saw Jasper smiling. He handed me the phone.

It was Alice on the other line.

" Bella. Listen. Angela's not going to Volterra anymore. She decided that there's still hope. She can live as a vampire peacefully. Channel her right now, ( I did. ) See? She's boarding a plane back to USA. ( I saw Angela boarding a plane )"

" Yes. I'm glad. " I said, smiling.

" Well . We still got stuffs to do. Bye. Call you soon. "


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