Chapter 23: Death

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I sat with Rosy and Max for a while until Ella and Ian came back.

"Aleah! Hide! Alec and Liv are on their way back to kill you!" Ella shouted.

I picked up Rosy and Max and brought them downstairs with me. We just got to the basement when we heard the door get kicked open.

"Where is she?!" Alec screamed.

I could hear the gun when he shot a few bullets in the room.


Even with all of this going on, the loudest sound was the cries that were coming from Rosy.

"Rosy, Max go to the closet, I will be back."

Walking up the stairs, my anxiety went through the roof. He can shoot me and he wouldn't even care.

"I'm right here." I confessed.

"Finally, the baby came out of hiding." Liv scoffed.

"Yeah she did." Alec replied.

He pointed the gun to Liv and pulled the trigger to her head. The bullet raced out, penetrating her skull.

I stood there in shock.

I cannot believe I thought he was a bad guy.

"Thank you, Alec." I pleaded.

He said nothing back.

All he did was point the gun to at himself.

"Alec! Don't do it!"

He stayed silent.

Alec placed the gun up to his temple and started to pull the trigger. I ran towards him to grab the gun, but I was too late.

His eyes grew wide and rolled back into his head. Falling to the floor, Rosy witnessed the entire thing. She ran over to him, tears dripping down her face.

"Alec! Alec! Wake up! Please wake up! I love you! Please..." Rosy sobbed.

"Rosy, he's not coming back. I'm sorry."

"He has to! He has to be faking! Wake up!" Rosy pleaded.

A pool of blood covered her little hands as she tried to wake her brother up.

This poor little girl. First her mother dies, then her brother. All she has left for family is Max.

Putting my arm around her, I sat next to Alec's dead body.

"Aleah, there has to be something you can do! Bring him back!" Rosy sniffled.

"I don't know how. I can only bring back people with the same power as me." I confessed.

I felt so bad for Rosy. If I could, I would bring him back, but I can't.

For the rest of the night, she never left her brother's side. There were moments when Max came and sat with her, but he seems to be the type of person to stay quiet and not talk about his feelings.

"Hey Max." I said.

"Yeah." Max replied.

"I wanted to tell you that I am sorry about everything that had happened in the past month." I added.

"It's okay. You couldn't help it. It was not your fault." Max clarified.

We sat in silence for the rest of the day.

Rosy sat with Alec all night long.

This was never the ending I expected.

You always know about everything being 'happily ever after,' but for me it is happily never after.

When you read fairy tails as children, the bad guys always loose and the good guys always win.

Let me just say, life is much more complicated than that.

There is more death than life.

More heartbreak than love.

More sorrow than happiness.

Life isn't a fairytale, it's a nightmare.

The ones you thought were honest, are liars.

The ones who were with you from the beginning, won't be with you in the end.

I know this from experience. You think you may have life figured out, but in reality you don't.

Life will hit you with something you never knew could happen.

Some may stick around, some may fight.

But, in the end, we all die anyways.

Some quicker than others.

When I was 14, I thought life was going great. I had friends and family who cared. I went to school and life was great.

But now, almost turning 16, I am not the strong person I was before.

I am broken and weak.

Now, I have almost no one.

Maybe one or two people left.

Who says they are going to stay.

Life is the only one who chooses what can happen.

And this was all caused by my twisted mind.

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