Chapter 16: My So Called Death

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Life is short.

I'm at gunpoint, my friend is running after me, and my other friend is the one trying to kill me. Hearing the trigger, I flinched. Ian jumped off of the stairs at me, and pushed me out of the way.

He was just in time.

I hit the floor, the bullet slightly skidding past my hair. Scurrying away, Ian picked Alec up by his neck, until his feet were not on the floor anymore.

"You haven't seen the last of me, Ian."

In a split second, Alec vanished into thin air. Leaving nothing behind.

"How the heck? Where the heck did that boy go?"

"I'm asking myself the same thing."

I sighed. Again, I was millimeters away from death. Ian grabbed my hand and helped me up from the floor. Wiping my palms on my pants, I grabbed a hair band and put my hair up into a ponytail.


"Don't worry. I wouldn't give you up for the world."

Right there and then, we kissed. The spark between us was much stronger than me and Alec. That spark seems to be gone now, long gone.

I smirked at him. I cannot keep a straight face with him, he makes me too happy.

"Now that this is over, it's time to find your sister. I mean it."

We ran over to my computer, searching up the last place they lived.

"Yeah it was 468 Hill Road, Pinewood, Arizona."


I pulled it up and his old house was still there.

"Ian, it says your family still owns this place. Your parents must be there and we can ask where Ella is. There is hope."

Ian was over the moon about this. He immediately he pulled out two suitcases.

"Let's head to Arizona."

We didn't live too far away from there. The drive there was about 1 hour. Ian and I bought tickets for the bus to Pinewood, Arizona. Hopping on the bus, the ride was longer than I thought, but we still ended up in Pinewood.

"Okay Aleah. The house is about 6 blocks away, so if we run there we can make it before sundown."

Ian sprinted his heart out. This would be the first time he could see his family in 11 years. Hopefully, they recognize him.

"This is it, Aleah. Thank you so much."

He was tearing up. Taking a deep breath he rung the doorbell.

The door opened.

"Hello?" a woman asked.

"Hi, mom."

Her face was puzzled, but hopeful.

"Ian? Is that you?"

"Yes it is mom. This is me."

Ian ran into his mother's arms. He held her tight, and she held him tighter. This is the happy ending Ian always wanted. 

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