Part 29

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We walked in, and we heard the entire Cullen family celebrating our arrival.

"Finally!" Alice yelled happily.

"They're here!" Emmett celebrated.

Edward and I walked into the room. Their kitchen table was cleared off and in the middle of the room, ready for the debate. There were two sides to the table, four seats on each side for the eight of us.

The team captains, which today were Carlisle and Esme, went to the front of the room to pick their teams.

Carlisle went first. "I'll choose... Alice."

"Yay!" Alice ran over to her father and hugged him.

Esme was next. "I'll go with Rosalie." Rosalie walked over to her mother and Esme squeezed Rosalie's hand. They both turned to Carlisle's team.

Since Alice was the last one picked, she chose next."I'll choose Edward," Alice said. Edward walked over to Alice and Alice put her arm around Edward, squeezing tight.

Rosalie chose next. "I'll go with Emmett," she said. Emmett hugged Rosalie when he got to where they were.

Jasper and I were the only two left, and it was pretty obvious who Edward was going to pick, so I already started walking to where they were. Jasper got the memo, so he walked over to his new team.

The teams were Carlisle, Alice, Edward and I, and then Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper. I was happy with my team.

But of course, we needed a judge. One team would have three people, and the other would have two.

Each team had a judge ready on the two teams. The two people would do rock-paper-scissors and the loser would be the judge.

Alice and Rosalie went against each other. Alice chose rock and Rosalie chose scissors, so Alice won. Rosalie would be the new judge. She couldn't make decisions based on her team. She wasn't even on that team anymore. She was on her own team as the judge. Judging both teams.

She was also the one to choose what the topic for debating would be. "Our topic for this Saturday is going to be ships," she'd said. "And not the sailing kind. I'm talking about when you ship a couple. The question is 'What kind of people do you ship and why?' Okay, decide who you want to speak."

Both groups went into their little huddles and decided who would say the argument for their team.

Carlisle was the first to speak. "I think that either Alice or Edward should go for this one," he said.

"Yeah," I said, "me too."

"Well, which one?" Edward asked me and Carlisle.

"Let Alissa choose," Carlisle said.

"Oh, me," I said. "Um, I think that Alice should go first. She obviously has a lot to say about the subject."

Rosalie started talking. "Okay, your time is up. Which team wants to go first?"

"I guess we can go first," Emmett said.

"Alright," Rosalie replied. "Who's talking for your group."

"I am," Esme said.

"Okay, go," Rosalie said.

"I ship couples that have so much in common, yet so little," Esme started. "Two people who are alike on the outside, yet so different on the inside. Or vice versa. Anyway, a couple who has this is Edward and Bella."

I felt Edward's eyes on me. I kept looking forward, but I smiled. People ship Edward and me, my mind was freaking out. I tried not to shiver in excitement and happiness, but I did. I heard Edward chuckle.

"They are so different, yet so alike. They just... fit. You know? Bella is a half-shy-half-outgoing person, and so is Edward. But yet, they're so different. Edward is a vampire, and Bella is human."

By the time the debate was finished, our team had won, and it was 8:16. I was supposed to be home from wherever I went today at 8:30, because Charlie, Bella and I were supposed to do something together. I had to hurry and get home, or else I wouldn't get there in time and I would get in trouble.

"Edward," I said, "I have to go," I told him why. "I'm sorry that I can't stay here longer. I just need to get home."

"No problem," he replied. "I'll take you." He turned to his family. "I'm gonna take Bella home, okay?"

Alice was the first to speak. "Why can't she stay here longer?"

"She's doing something with her family," Edward replied. "So, I'll be back."

Alice looked down, obviously thinking about something.

"What is it?" Edward asked.

Alice shook her head and looked up at Edward. "Nothing. It's not important. Nothing to do with you guys."

"Just tell us though:" Carlisle said, "are you having a vision?"

"Yes," Alice told him. "It has nothing to do with anyone except us though."

I looked at Edward, who was thinking about something now.

"What is it?" I whispered to Edward.

"W-w-w-we have to go," Edward told me. He grabbed my hand and tried to storm downstairs. I knew he saw what Alice was thinking. And I wasn't going home until I found out, even if it meant that I was going to be late home. So I wasn't going to let him s

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