Chapter 16 - Runaway Scars

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"Newt, stop being difficult," he said sharply.

"No! I'm not going there!"

"Yes you will!"

"I'm not going to bargain (Y/N)'s life on chance."

"She doesn't have to see you."

James dearly wished that (Y/N) and Newt could reunite. He wanted to tell the reason behind the two of them reuniting. What could truly happen, but he wasn't going to ruin his bargain with them. If he tells him about it, the deal is done and Newt and (Y/N) are truly doomed.

Since he couldn't tell Newt about this yet, he had to lie. If this was a way for them to see each other again, then so be it. It wasn't the first time he lied anyway.

Newt looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

"We'll go there. But she won't see you. You can see her."

"No," Newt shook his head. He couldn't think he could see (Y/N) again in such a distance. To be so close but also so far. He didn't think he could handle it. "I don't- don't want to see her," he lied for the second time today.

"Newt, Angela's life is in danger! We don't have time for this."

Newt begrudgingly went in the car. He didn't know if James could really help. He was lost once again. He couldn't do anything but follow what other people say. It was dangerous to go there. But he couldn't do anything because if Angela's life really is in danger and James is the only person who can help, he don't know how he can life with himself if she got worse and it was his fault.


The memory of the last day he saw his wife replayed in John's mind. He watched as she writhed in agony. The screams of pain. He wanted to hold her. He wanted to take her in his arms and try to take the pain away. But he couldn't. He couldn't make himself know in front of the others. All he could do was hide and watch.

As she screamed, blood was pouring out of her nose. He looked around at the cloaked people who were just watching Sheryl die. Those people who said who were her friends.

Those Authors.

His wife was once one, an Author. She drank from the River of Knowledge and was granted a shield in her mind. This shield gave her power to attain knowledge about the Infinite Realms without losing her head. But she committed a crime. Because of this crime, they took out the shield and she lost her mind and died. It was the price she had to pay.

John hated those so called Authors. They were heartless, just like James.

James wanted Newt and (Y/N) to meet despite knowing what will happen. Authors always have something else up their sleeve. They always know more than their readers. They only show information that's needed at a certain moment. The best Authors don't give everything in one blow. They're always two steps ahead.

John kept on trying to think why James was doing these things. So many things don't add up. He could've sent Newt to go to (Y/N) with telling him. He could've told John about Angela months ago. But he chose this moment.

He couldn't think. He couldn't do it. He wasn't like them. His mind was always just fixed on one thing. He doesn't know how to scheme, he only knows how to protect.

The day he saw Sheryl die was also the day (Y/N) and her family were supposed to cross the portal. The Authors came that day and John was able to hide in time. He urged his wife to come run with him but she said that there was no where else she could run.

When he realized there was nothing he could do to save his wife, he wanted to save his daughter. But she was gone. Realizing that there was nothing now going for him there, he joined (Y/N) and her family on crossing the portal. This was now the family he was going to protect. The family he'll try to protect the way he couldn't protect his own.

But he watched as this family slowly disappear and die. Stephen was lost in another world. (Y/N) was the only one left. She was the only one he could protect.

But now, there was someone else. Another person that he could protect. His daughter came back to him. She was now also in danger and just like what he's been doing for years, he needed to protect her.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Infinite Realms: Porcelain Heart (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu