Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Song: Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars


I sigh and look over at my literature book, reading the same sentence over and over again. Ashley and I had been studying for about 4 hours. We had a big test coming up that neither of us wanted to take. The readings and assinments seemed to go on and on. We were currently at Ashley's room, laying across the floor and groaning at all the information we had to remember.

"Can't we take a break?" I ask, Ashley was a very dedicated student and loved it when it came to studying but even this was a lot for her. I pop a pretzel in my mouth, happy that we decided to get snacks.

Ashley doesn't answer, she was writing down something, and was very focused. I break her concentration by throwing a pretzel at her, hitting her right in the forehead. Nailed it. "What do you want?" She snaps, obviously the studying had made her crabby.

"Do you want to have a break?" I ask nicely, trying not to get on her bad side which was really easy to get on about now.

"Sure I guess." She closes her book and lays down again, doing what I was doing. Studying was exhausting, I don't think either of us wanted to move from the spot we were in. I was almost about to fall asleep, but my phone rings out loudly, breaking the silence that was between us.

I smile when I saw who was calling, "Hey boyfriend," I answer Luke. I hear Ashley let out a groan, she's was thrilled when she found out we were dating. But me and Luke were still very much in the honeymoon stage, where cute pet names were used a lot. Ashley had heard enough of them. I feel bad for her, but yet again I had been waiting for Luke to be my boyfriend I didn't really care all that much.

"Hey girlfriend," He says back through the phone and I can just hear his smirk. Since the night we had made it official, we had gone out to the diner place we ate at a lot. We did a lot of other couple things together too, like walking in the park and seeing movies. We sometimes even stayed in and watched movies and cuddled, which was natural for us since that's all we used to do. The warm feeling I got when I was with him, never really goes away. It's just really easy to talk to him and be with him really, "Guess what day it is?"

I searched my brain, trying to figure out if I had missed an important date or something. "Uh a very important one?" I said when I couldn't think of it. I knew it wasn't his birthday because that was in July, which was months from now. It wasn't my birthday, because my birthday was also a few months away.

"Yeesss," He drags out. "Happy one month." Oh yeah, I forgot our anniversary day was today. I found it stupid when couples celebrate every month they have spent together. I only care about the important ones, like maybe 6 months. But defiantly a year was a big one too. I had a longing that me and Luke could have a celebration for being together for a year or some mildstone, but that was very far away.

I groan at him, "Can we not be that annoying couple that celebrates everything?" I say, I doubt that he wants to either, but I think was just joking around when he said that.

I can hear him laugh, "Of course not. I'm just glad that I'm with you is all. And it's been a very good month." I nod my head in agreement. I was also very happy to be with him. It's been a lot easier on us than before, I think the reason was because we are both at a happy place. He and his band were doing better than ever and he of course was still going to Zone. And I was happy that I was getting my life together. College was difficult, but it was paying off. When we had unofficially been together, things were rough because he didn't like his band and I had no idea what I was doing with my life. Now things seemed to fit better than ever.

I realize that he cannot see me nod my head so I thought that maybe answering him would be good. "Yeah 'cause all I really want is you." I say, quoting one of his new songs that they realeased. I did this a lot, which made him mad. But I think it also mad him happy, because he knows that I listen to his music.

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