I stifled a laugh as I looked at my two best mates, Rye's eyes were half closed in pleasure, whilst Clo had given him a few hickey's. Clo mumbled "He will - carry on please."

"No he's not, anytime now he's gonna end up making some sexual noise that gonna have me hiding." Jodie huffed.

Clo had stopped attacking his neck and was instead sat behind him, arms round his stomach as she rested her head on his shoulder. Rye said roughly "You done?"

"Hmmm for now." Clo mused looking at him she giggled "be grateful I'm not like this all the time babe." Kissing him slowly she pulled away and getting up disappeared to the kitchen, Mikey snickered "You alright there?"

"Fine." he said clearing his throat.

Jack raised a brow "Uh huh."

Clo came back through holding a stack of letters, she began opening them as she sat on Rye; he rested his head on her shoulder. Smiling I leaned on Andy saying "So...you know it's Brook's birthday soon, then their 6 month anniversary."

"Wait it's whose anniversary?" Clo frowned looking up, Rye smiled kissing her cheek "Ours, on the 17th October."

Clo blinked "Wait it's been 6 months nearly?"

"Yeah," Rye replied studying her warily, she snorted "I deserve a pen collection for putting up with you for 6 months."

"Oh shut up you, you love me really." Rye laughed.

"Who's up for doing a lively later?" Andy said, kissing my cheek and cuddling me closer.

Clo wafted the letter "Excuse me who was supposed to paying in charge of paying rent?"

I glanced at Jodie who frowned "I paid our rent. Why?"

"You paid our rent." Clo grumbled, "and whenever our landlord decides that he's not received it, who is it that has to be a kiss ass?"

I exchanged an amused look with Jodie who giggled "He likes you out of the three of us. Says we're intolerable."

Clo muttered "Someone give Jodes a medal, she used a big word."

"Ok Miss Moody." Jodie snickered, "what about the other letters?"

Clo glared at her "That's the one saying we're late on paying the rent, that's the one for the electrics and water."

I raised a brow "Doll we both paid the bills."

Clo glanced between us "Give me the proof."

Jodie got up from Brook and picking up a piece of paper said "He signed it and everything,"

Grabbing the piece of paper and the letter she grumbled "We'll see if he still favours me at the end of this the prick."

She slammed the front door going to the landlords place which is, the whole top level. I whistled "World War 3 people."

"Quick get the popcorn." Jodie laughed, Jack asked "But you guys aren't late with your payments are you?"

I said dryly "No, it's just our landlord is a total jerk at times, we're the only ones who've managed to not be constantly leached of money. Cause Clo, is like a freaking a tornado if something's wrong...not surprising though."

"Yeah...she grew up doing this sort of stuff." Jodie frowned, the door opened, Clo prowled back in slamming an envelope down. I looked at the envelope "What is that?"

"You'll never guess what?" Clo said, "every other tenant was up there demanding to know what he was on about with the late payments. Apparently he was trying to get more money to then evict everyone."

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