Bad News - Chap. 55

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Chapter 55


She pecks her lips quickly before grabbing her phone off the ground. She slides her finger over her screen while looking at Lauren. ‘’Hello?’’ she asks, turning around and breaking the eye contact between her and her girlfriend.


‘’Hey Normani.’’ Lauren hears her say. She smiles. She’s happy to know that her friends became friends with Camila too. It makes things so much easier between all of them. Then she frowns as she hears Camila’s worried voice.


‘’What about Tyler?’’ she hears her ask. Then Camila gasps and turns back to Lauren. Their eyes meet and Camila lets her phone fall out of her hands.


Lauren’s eyes go wide at Camila’s expression.


‘’Camz? What’s going on?’’ Lauren asked quickly, walking up to her girlfriend to grab her trembling hands. Camila’s wide brown eyes slowly focus back on Lauren. ‘’He… he is..’’ She whispers. Lauren looks at her, trying to connect their eyes.

‘’Camz look at me.’’ She whispers, and Camila’s eyes finally fully focus on Lauren’s worried green ones. ‘’He’s awake.’’ Camila breathes out slowly. Lauren’s eyes go wide and her mouth opens but there’s nothing coming out of her throat.

‘’He’s awake.’’ Camila repeats, slowly starting to believe it herself. ‘’Lauren he’s awake!’’ She says loudly, pulling Lauren into her and wrapping her arms around her neck tightly. ‘’Oh my god.’’ Lauren breathes happily against Camila’s chest, clasping her hands together behind Camila’s back.

Tears are quickly making their way towards Lauren’s eyes, and start to stream down her cheeks. ‘’Oh god, oh god.’’ She keeps whispering against Camila’s chest, holding onto her girlfriend even tighter. Camila is still kind of in shock, not able to completely believe her best friend has actually made it.

After a few minutes, they finally pull away from each other, and Camila takes Lauren’s hand in hers and starts dragging her out of the house. Lauren follows silently, but with the biggest smile on her face she’s had in a while.

They jump into Camila’s car and Camila speeds off to the hospital. While driving there, Lauren calls Normani to ask where she was right now, and if Tyler still had the same room number. Normani told her that she’s already in the hospital, holding Tyler’s hand in the same room he was in before. When Lauren ended the call, she texted Dinah to tell her about him and ask her to meet them at the hospital.

Just when Lauren sent the text, Camila pulls up at the parking lot. They quickly get out, and Camila grabs Lauren’s hand in her own again as they almost run inside. They fly through the halls, wait impatiently in front of the elevator, curse the thing for not going fast enough, and sprint down the hall to Tyler’s room.

When they’re almost there, Lauren tugs at Camila’s hand, making her stop. They’re both breathing heavily, looking at each other with huge smiles on their faces. ‘’Give me… a second to.. breathe..’’ Lauren breaths out, and Camila smiles.

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