Bad News - Chap. 45

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Chapter 45


It’s early in the morning. Camila and Tyler are still talking, while Normani and Dinah crashed on the couch. Camila insisted to go look for Lauren right away, but Tyler convinced her that it would be pointless.

They don’t have a single clue of where she could possibly be, so driving around town would just be a waste of time. Tyler and Camila made a list of people that might be after them or wanted to hurt Lauren. The list of Lauren’s enemies stayed blank, because she had never hurt anybody in her life.

After double-checking with Normani and Dinah, Camila was convinced that there wouldn’t be anybody that could be after Lauren. So she told her friends to go get some sleep, they would need their energy if they went searching for her.

Camila and Tyler didn’t sleep though. Camila simply couldn’t, and Tyler didn’t want to leave his best friend alone with her thoughts. Camila was thinking hard about where Lauren could possibly be, or where Ally would hide her.  They both knew that Ally wasn’t stupid enough to keep Lauren hidden in her own house, since Camila had been there before. It would be too easy.

Camila had tried to call Lauren over ten times, but she didn’t answer. She had tried Ally too, but the girl didn’t respond to her at all. This only confirmed Camila’s thoughts about Ally being the one that took Lauren away.

Camila sighed heavily, leaning her elbows on the table and letting her head fall into her hands. ‘’Ty, we’ve got to do something. It’s morning already, the sun is up. We don’t know how much time we have left.’’ She said desperately.

Tyler nodded. ‘’I know.’’ He said, thinking hard about who could be involved in this situation, thinking that Ally wouldn’t do this on her own. ‘’Jason?’’ he asked, and Camila looked up. ‘’He was at the top of my list.’’ She answered.

‘’But how on earth would those two know each other?’’ she asked. Tyler shook his head. ‘’That’s true.’’ ‘’Plus, I think that he wouldn’t be able to do something like that. He was scared to death when I only threatened him at school. It can’t be him.’’ She muttered, thinking about how scared Jason looked when she told him to never come near Lauren again. ‘’It has to be somebody that isn’t scared of the both of us.’’

Tyler nodded. After what he had heard about Jason, he was almost sure it wouldn’t be him. But who was it? Who would help Ally to take Lauren away from Camila. He saw the desperation in Camila’s eyes, heard the hope in her voice disappear. He knew they had to do something, God only knows what’s happening to Lauren right now.

‘’Let’s go to Ally’s house. Maybe she is stupid enough to leave some sort of trail behind.’’ He suggested. He wasn’t able to finish his sentence, as Camila was already at the front door, running outside to her car. Tyler got up too, and woke the girls up quickly.

Within minutes, they all sat in Camila’s car, and Tyler was just in time to close the passenger’s seat door, before Camila sped off to Ally’s house.


 Lauren’s eyes flutter open slowly. Her head is pounding, and her body hurts. She groans lowly and opens her eyes slightly to see a small ray of sunlight coming through a window. She closes her eyes again, blocking the light from her eyes.

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