Bad News - Chap. 1

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Chapter 1


Lauren is standing by her locker; sorting her books she needs after lunch, when she hears somebody smash their hand into the locker next to her. She jumps a little and turns to look who it was. ‘’Geez Normani, think you can be a little more subtle with announcing your presence next time?’’ she says, while looking at a widely smiling Normani.

‘’Not possible Lo. You should have seen your face, it was awesome!’’ Normani laughs loudly at her. Lauren just turns back to her locker to put her last two books away.

‘’You ready for lunch?’’ She asks Normani, when she closes her locker. ‘’God, finally!’’ Normani yells, and grabs Lauren’s hand to pull her through the crowded hallways and into the cafeteria. Lauren just smiles and let’s herself be dragged along.

They almost reach the cafeteria when Lauren suddenly jerks Normani back and stops walking. ‘’Ohw, Laur, what the hell?’’ she complains, looking at her friend for an explanation.

Lauren doesn’t respond but stares at something down the hallway. Normani follows her gaze and sighs heavily when she sees what Lauren is looking at.

‘’Damn Laur, you really just pulled my arm off, just so you can look at that Cabello girl?’’ Normani asks her.

Lauren still doesn’t respond to her and keeps looking at Camila. She is standing by her locker, her hood is covering her eyes and some strands of long dark brown hair are hanging down over her chest.

Normani is clapping her hands in front of Lauren’s eyes to try and get her attention back. Lauren blinks and looks at Normani with confused eyes. ‘’What Mani?’’

‘’You were ignoring me to watch her. Are you still not over your little crush on her?’’ she asks her, annoyed with her friend's staring. Lauren sighs.

‘’I didn’t ignore you, and I do not have a crush on Camila. I’m just… intrigued.’’ Normani gives her a pointed look that says ‘yeah right.’

Lauren shrugs and takes one last look at Camila. Right when she wants to look away, some boy taps Camila’s shoulder after saying something to her. Within a second, Camila has grabbed his arm and turned it to his back, holding a firm grip on it. She slams the boy into the lockers, not once letting go of his arm. Lauren is too far away to hear what the boy says, but everyone can see that he is clearly in pain.

The quick movement caused Camila’s sleeve to slide up a little, and Lauren sees a small bracelet. The boy is saying something to her, and she slowly releases her grip on his arm. The boy holds his arm in his hand and quickly walks away. Camila hasn’t looked up for a second, as she grabs her bag from the ground, closes her locker and walks out of the front doors.

 ‘’Damn.’’ Normani mutters softly. Lauren turns to her with her mouth hanging open slightly. ‘’Did you see that?’’ she asks her.

Normani nods. ‘’Well, duh. I think the whole school just saw that Lo. Geez, that girl is strong.’’ She states. This time it’s Lauren’s turn to nod as she looks back to the place Camila was standing a few moments ago.

Normani looks at her. ‘’Lo?’’ She turns her head back to her friend. ‘’Yeah?’’

Normani sighs. ‘’Please tell me that scared you instead of intriguing you more.’’ Lauren’s cheeks slowly turn a soft shade of red as she looks away from Normani.

‘’Oh dear God, Lo come on! You saw how she reacted to a small touch! It’s not normal to almost break someone’s arm, and slam them into a locker like that! It’s just scary, why the hell do you find that girl intriguing?’’ Normani asks her loudly.

Lauren looks at her. ‘’Can you please just.. not talk that loud?’’ she asks her friend softly. Normani sighs.

‘’Don’t you want to know why she reacted like that, instead of judging her for it?’’ Lauren asks her. ‘’I mean, you’re right, it’s not normal to react like that, but she’s got to have a reason for it, right?’’

Normani looks at her friend for a second, then takes her hand in hers again and starts walking to the cafeteria again. ‘’Lo, I understand you being curious about her, but please just stay away from her. I’ve got a bad feeling about her, and I don’t want you to get hurt.’’ She says over her shoulder. Lauren doesn’t say anything in return.

The green -eyed girl finds herself in English class after lunch, and notices the lack of Camila's presence. Lunchtime was all about Camila Cabello. Everyone was talking about her and about what had happened. Dinah wanted to know everything they had seen, and proceeded to tell Lauren to stay away from her too.

Dinah Jane Hansen and Normani Kordei were the only two people Lauren was able to call friends. She wasn’t what they call a popular girl. She didn’t have many friends, didn’t go to parties, didn’t have a hot boyfriend, but Lauren loved to study.

Only few people knew who Lauren was, and they would describe her as a little nerdy. Dinah and Normani were the only two people who knew about Lauren being attracted to both boys and girls, and they didn’t judge her for it. Her parents knew about it too, and luckily for Lauren, they were really accepting and supportive.

Dinah teased her regularly by pointing out hot boys and girls and pushing Lauren to go talk to them, but she is too shy to do that. Lauren is kind of afraid to talk to people she has never met before, and is very self-conscious. Dinah has probably pointed out every single girl in school, all except for Camila Cabello.

Dinah and Normani didn’t like it one bit, that she was interested in Camila. They think that she is bad news, and that Lauren should stay away from her as far as possible. They find it weird that nobody knows a thing about her. Nobody knows where she lives, because nobody ever had the courage to ask the girl.

Camila has never spoken to anybody at school, and while Lauren finds that interesting, Dinah and Normani think it’s creepy. Lauren would do anything to get to know something about Camila Cabello, but she also knows that it might not be a good idea to try and get close to her.

As much as she doesn’t want to, she has to agree with Dinah and Normani that Camila is a big mystery and after today maybe a little creepy. But Lauren doesn’t think she can walk away when the opportunity comes to get to know something about the girl... Or can she?

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