Bad News - Chap. 22

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Chapter 22


Her very first kiss had been with Camila. Camila Cabello, who she’s had a crush on for a very long time, and it was perfect. The kiss was as gentle and soft as Lauren only ever dreamed it would be, and she couldn’t feel happier.


Then her smile disappears when she sees Camila furrow her eyebrows. She opens her eyes and looks at Lauren. She shakes her head slightly and looks down. ‘’I shouldn’t have done that.’’ She says softly, and Lauren’s heart drops.

It feels like all the air is pulled out of Lauren’s lungs. An incredibly heavy sadness is taking over her, and her head starts to pound again. ‘’W-what?’’ she whispers out shakily.

Camila looks at her with regret in her eyes, and turns away. She tries to sit up in bed, but winces at the pain her bruises and ribs are causing her. ‘’Oww.’’ She growls lowly. She slowly swings her legs over the side of her bed and leans her elbows on her thighs. Camila puts her head in her hands, and Lauren sits up too behind her.

‘’I’m so sorry Lauren, I shouldn’t have..’’ Camila trails of, talking in her hands. She shakes her head from side to side slightly, not being able to believe that she couldn’t control herself just a few minutes ago.

Lauren shakes her head, trying to clear her mind. She can’t believe what’s happening right now. One moment, she is lying in Camila’s arms, perfectly content. Then the next moment, she kisses her, and now she’s telling her that she made a mistake. Was it her? Was it something Lauren had done wrong? Lauren had always hoped that Camila would like her, and it really seemed like she did. Then she proved it by kissing her, but now it seems like Camila wished she hadn’t even touched her.

‘’W-why?’’ was the only thing Lauren could whisper. Camila shook her head furiously and stood up. She hissed at the pain in her stomach and grabbed her ribs with her left hand. She reached out to the wall to steady herself and she slowly turned around to Lauren, who was still sitting on the bed, looking at her with tears in her eyes.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows and looked down, not being able to see Lauren cry because of her. ‘’I’m sorry. I can’t do this. You.. I won’t… you’re not..’’ Camila tried, but she couldn’t formulate a proper sentence anymore. She brought her hand from her ribs to her face, and pinched the bridge of her nose while shutting her eyes tightly.

Then she winced, clearly forgetting about her almost broken nose when she pinched it. She pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead, desperately trying to find a way to explain everything. Lauren stood up and walked up to Camila.

She reached out and gently pulled Camila’s hand from her head and held it between her hands. She ducked her head a little, trying to catch Camila’s gaze, but she kept avoiding her. Finally, Lauren reached one of her hands out to Camila’s face, the other still holding on to her hand. She turned Camila’s head to her, and their eyes finally met.

‘’Please.’’ Lauren said, begging for an explanation. Camila sighed heavily and averted her eyes to the ceiling, trying to gather her thoughts. After a few moments, she looked at Lauren again and took a deep breath.

Bad NewsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant