Bad News - Chap. 35

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Chapter 35


The girl turned around to walk away when Lauren called after her. ‘’Wait!’’


She turned back to Lauren and looked at her with questioning eyes. ‘’Yeah?’’ Lauren paused. ‘’Who are you?’’ she asked hesitantly. The girl smiled at her again before turning around again and shouting something over her shoulder.


‘’I’m Ally.’’

Ally… Lauren recognized that name. But who was it? Lauren couldn’t place it in her memory. She turned to walk into the school building, thinking hard about where she had heard that name before.

Lauren’s classes went by in a daze. She wasn’t able to focus on anything any of her teachers were telling her. The girl’s name kept repeating itself in her head mockingly. She couldn’t stand that she wasn’t able to place the girl into her memory.

At lunchtime, Lauren walked towards the cafeteria slowly. Her eyes were distant her mind circling in rounds trying to remember where she knew Ally from. She entered the cafeteria and sat down at a table next to Normani.

‘’Hey Lo! How are you?’’ She asked happily. Lauren was shaken out of her thoughts by her friend’s hand on her arm in greeting. ‘’I’m good.’’ She answered. ‘’How was your weekend?’’ Lauren asked, hoping that Normani would dive into some story that Lauren only had to listen to. She didn’t really feel like talking right now.

And she was right. Normani started rambling about her dance practice on Saturday and how hard the moves were she had to learn. She was happy though that it was some new song from Beyoncé that she had to dance to, but it was still important to her for Lauren to know just how hard it was for her.

Lauren just nodded, and occasionally smiled at her friend to show her she was still listening, when Dinah joined them. ‘’Are you talking about your dance rehearsal again?’’ Dinah asked Normani with a mocking smile.

‘’Shut up, Lauren hadn’t heard about it yet.’’ Normani answered defensively. Dinah nodded and looked at Lauren. ‘’Don’t you think it is incredible that she is still alive now? After such a hard practice?’’ Dinah asked her, sarcasm dripping from her words. Lauren just laughed while Normani shouted an offended ‘’Hey!’’

‘’Anyway, I miss somebody at this table, and I’m sure I didn’t overlook her, because it’s pretty hard not to see Camila when she’s around.’’ Dinah half asked Lauren. Normani turned her attention to her friend too and waited for an explanation from her friend for her girlfriend’s absence.

Lauren just shrugged. ‘’I don’t know where she is. She said she had to take care of some stuff.’’ Dinah frowned and casted a quick glance at Normani. ‘’Are you guys alright?’’ Normani asked Lauren in concern.

Lauren nodded. ‘’Yeah we are. Dinner went by good before you ask about it. I just.. I don’t know. I feel like there’s something she’s not telling me. And I don’t know if it’s good or bad.’’ She answered. Dinah put her hand on Lauren’s shoulder.

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