Bad News - Chap. 54

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Chapter 54


‘’Camz, do we really have to watch this?’’ Lauren whines against Camila’s neck. Camila chuckles. ‘’Oh come on, it isn’t that bad.’’ She answers, pulling Lauren closer into her on the couch. Lauren turns her head back to the TV just when somebody loses his head. Lauren screams and dives back into Camila’s neck.

Camila laughs while Lauren is shaking against her. ‘’That was predictable.’’ Camila says simply, mocking the person who made this movie. ‘’Camz, please?’’ Lauren whispers. Camila feels her hot breath hit against her throat and smiles.

‘’Alright, but just because I love you.’’ She says, grabbing the remote and changing the channel to some lame ass series about famous people dancing with some good choreographers. ‘’Thank you!’’ Lauren squeals, pulling her head away from Camila’s neck and pushing it against her shoulder to watch the television.

Camila sighs and wraps her arms tighter around Lauren. She knew Lauren didn’t like scary movies, and everything she’d been through the last couple of days, might have made her hate grow even bigger.

She doesn’t really like series like this Dancing with the stars stuff, but if it keeps Lauren happy, then it doesn’t matter to her. She’d do everything to keep that smile on her girlfriend’s face. Honestly, Camila doesn’t care about what they are watching. Lauren is still with her, and that is all that matters.

She could’ve run off after she woke up from her state of shock. She could’ve broken up with Camila, and just go home. But she stayed. And Camila can’t express in words how happy that is making her feel. After everything that happened, they are still going strong.

Suddenly, she feels a pair of soft lips press against her cheek. Camila turns her head and looks right into Lauren’s beautiful green ones. Lauren smiles at her and looks at her questioningly. ‘’What?’’ Camila asks. Lauren chuckles.

‘’I asked what you thought about the dress that one of those dancers wore.’’ Lauren says smiling. ‘’Oh, sorry I didn’t see it.’’ Camila replies with an apologetic smile. Lauren kisses her cheek once more before resting her head against Camila’s chest again.

‘’It’s okay. What were you thinking about?’’ she asks, looking back at the TV. Camila kisses the top of Lauren’s head before answering. ‘’You. Us.’’ She whispers. Lauren smiles and looks up. ‘’What about us?’’

Camila smiles back at her. ‘’Just how happy I am that there is still an us.’’ She answers simply. Lauren nods and leans closer to Camila’s face. ‘’Well, you did safe me. It makes you very lovable.’’ She teases. Camila chuckles and leans in slowly. ‘’I am very lovable.’’ She answers. ‘’Hmm.’’ Lauren murmurs before pressing her lips against Camila’s.

After about ten minutes of making out, Camila taps Lauren’s leg softly that is sprawled across her hips. Lauren pulls away from Camila’s lips and looks at her with the slightest bit of fear. ‘’Want to go to sleep?’’ Camila whispers, pushing back a few strands of long dark hair.

Lauren looks relieved and nods. Before she can stand up from the couch, Camila has lifted her up. Lauren squeals and laughs as Camila pushes the off-button on the TV with her toe. Then she turns around and walks upstairs with Lauren in her arms.

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