Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

          Her cousin narrowed his eyes.  "What was the argument about then?"

          Rose stabbed her fork at the chicken on her plate.  It was almost as though the chicken was her voodoo doll by the way her heart felt the stabs.  "Nothing."

          "It doesn't seem like nothing," James said.  His voice was rising.  She couldn't risk him falling out with her, too.  "Does it, by any chance, have to do with Albus asking me to apparate him into London last week?"

          Rose felt sick.  "Of course not."

          "Right, so the fact that he was going in alone on the same day you were supposedly meeting Psycho Chester over there—"

          "Don't call him that," Rose snapped loudly.  "Don't you dare, James."

          "What?" He sneered.  "Afraid I'll hurt your little boyfriend's feelings?  Come on, Rose, he's a Slytherin after all.  He can take care of himself."

          "What is wrong with all of you?" Rose hissed.  "Why do you all have some sort of personal vendetta against the Slytherins?  So what if I'm friends with some of them?  And Charlie is my friend—not my boyfriend—and so I would appreciate it if you would refrain from being so fucking cruel next time you open your mouth about him." 

          Lily was gobsmacked.  Rose never swore.  Ever.  It just wasn't like her at all.  But her blood was boiling.  She was so sick of everyone treating Charlie and Scorpius and the other Slytherins like dirt.  Granted, some of them did live up to their names.  But there were plenty of cruel witches and wizards from the other houses.  Just take Serena Thomas, a Ravenclaw, for example. 

          James was grinding his teeth.  Rose had no doubt she had pushed him with those last words.  James wasn't an angry person, either, but he had a much shorter temper than his brother. 

          "Sorry," he finally forced out through his teeth.

          Rose nodded curtly and, without another word, dug into her meal.  She was acutely aware of the silence that had swept over the Gryffindor table.  They had all heard her outburst.  Instinctively, Rose's gaze flickered to the Slytherin table. 

          Charlie was watching her with gratitude shining clear as day on his face.  She was sure that he couldn't have heard James' comment, but the Great Hall had hushed with her heated reply, so he most likely heard her sticking up for him.  Rose smiled back at him, her heart squeezing. 

          Charlie was so dear to her.  He was far more complex than everyone thought—far more damaged.  But Rose loved him so much.  He was one of her best friends.  She wouldn't have been able to go the past few months without him.

          Scorpius caught Rose's gaze.  He was worried, that was obvious.  She tried to give him a reassuring smile but he wasn't falling for it one bit.  He stared at her, silver gaze boring into hers.

          Rose felt shivers down her spine.  She would never get tired of those eyes. 

          After dinner, Rose broke away from her family and sought out Charlie and Scorpius.  They were heading down to the dungeons when she caught up to them. 

          "I need to talk to you," she rushed out, grabbing hold of Scorpius' arm. 

          He spun around.  Charlie stopped short and smirked.  "Well, hello to you too."

          "Please," she said to Scorpius.  "We need to talk now.  It's really important."

          Scorpius nodded.  A strand of his blonde hair fell into his eyes with the movement.  His hair had grown out recently and Rose knew he would need a haircut soon. 

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