Chapter Twenty-Four

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       Dedicated to every single one of my readers.  You are the most patient, understand and caring people ever.  Thank you so much for your support.  I love you all.

        Rose felt her insides melt the moment Scorpius' lips touched hers.  Her eyes fluttered closed of their own accord almost immediately.

        His mouth was cold against hers, and although they were chapped from the winter weather, his lips were firm as they pressed against her own.  Despite the chill at the point of contact, a fire spread all through her body, from her lips to the tips of her fingers and toes. 

        Her entire being was alight with wonder, passion and, what felt like to Rose, every feeling she could possibly feel.  Her mind was a mess of a million thoughts, but none made sense in that moment. 

        She wasn't able to focus on the fact that this was her first ever kiss because, after a few seconds of them both standing stock still, Scorpius stepped impossibly closer.  His chest pressed against hers as one hand travelled down her neck, down her arm, until he wrapped it around her waist, securing her against him in a manner that sent shivers down Rose' spine.  His other hand slid to the back of her head, tangling in her hair, holding her in place.  There was nothing forceful about it, however.  If she really wanted to, Rose knew she could pull away. 

        But she really didn't want to.  How could she end this magical moment?  How could she put a stop to the shifting of the Universe as, finally, they kissed. 

        Rose needed to touch him, yearned to wrap her arms around his neck and reach up on her toes.  And she did just that.  Every inch of their bodies were pressed against each other, their warmth shared in their special moment. 

        Tentatively, Scorpius opened his mouth ever-so-slightly.  Rose, having never experienced this before, followed suit, nerves finally seeping into her stomach.  She had read about kissing in stories, listened to the Gryffindor girls in her dormitory gossip about snogging boys, but she had no idea what she was doing. 

        She tilted her head slightly, fighting to keep her eyes closed when Scorpius deepened the kiss.  She attempted to follow his lead, but her inexperience showed in how much she fumbled, unsure, nervous. 

        Scorpius pulled away, his lips parted, his eyes fluttering open with a dazed expression.  Rose was sure her own face mirrored his, but certain that her worry was clear. 

        They were connected now only by their hands, which continued to grasp each other as if their lives depended on it.  At that moment, with the rate of Rose's heartbeat, she was almost certain that hers did, in fact, depend on it. 

        As they stood there, just staring at each other, Rose found her nerves only growing.  She couldn't stand the silence that had fallen on them... could not handle the unknown. 

        She had to know what he was thinking...

        More importantly, she had to know why he had kissed her.  And, yes, a certain part of her screamed that she already knew — he had told her as much as he really needed to the other night. 

        But, still ... Rose had to hear it.  She wanted to tell him, too. 

        She wanted to tell him that she liked him.  And that she had liked him for a long time, she had just been too blind to realise it.

        Rose couldn't believe it had taken a love potion for her to recognise the blatantly obvious feelings that she had developed for the Malfoy boy.  To think that all it took was one whiff of Amortentia was absurd. 

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