Chapter Seven

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"It all started with a Charms book," Lily uttered wistfully. The two girls were making the most of the sunshine the next afternoon, and decided to take a stroll around the grounds after class. It was November, so they wouldn't be out for long, but December was fast approaching, and they'd have to welcome the snow with it. They would embrace the sun at every opportunity.

Rose nudged her cousin, casting her a glare. "Shut up, Lily."

She was already in a foul mood, having passed Scorpius on their way out of the castle. He hadn't made any effort to ignore her — in fact, he had blatantly stared at her, something Lily had failed to miss.

"What?" Lily giggled. "It's funny that you've developed such a hatred for him over a silly book! I've been waiting for you to see the light for five years!"

Rose sighed. Lily's teasing had gotten old. She didn't want to think about Scorpius at that moment. It was irritating that Lily seemed incapable of helping her fulfill that wish.

The blonde wizard himself wasn't making it any easier for her either. He had been trying to catch her eye in class, which was unavoidable for Rose considering they shared every class together. There was only so much time she could spend staring at identical desks for the hourly lessons.

The thing that most annoyed Rose about it was that he never once approached her. Not that she wanted to speak to him — their conversations never ended well and she didn't want to exchange words until she figured out a way to show him that she wasn't what he thought she was. And yet, still, Rose wondered why he was wasting his time staring at her, trying to catch her eye, if he had nothing to say for it.

It was confusing — but that was something she'd come to realise that Scorpius was.

Rose turned to Lily. "Come on, let's head back in." They were approaching the greenhouses now. "I'm getting cold."

Lily nodded, and the two girls headed back the way they'd come. Lily chatted Rose's ear off about Lorcan and what they'd got up to yesterday while Rose had been at the library. Rose still hadn't told Lily anything that had happened between her and Scorpius, and she wasn't sure that she would for a while, if at all.

For some reason that she couldn't pinpoint, Rose didn't want Lily to know.

They ran into Lorcan in the Entrance Hall. He excitedly ushered Lily away with him, claiming that he had "something amazing" to show her. Lily followed after him like a lost puppy with not so much as a wave goodbye to Rose.

Rose sighed, once again left on her own to walk the halls. Not for the first, Rose wished she had more friends. It wasn't at all that she was unsociable of incapable of making friends — in their first year, James had warned her and Albus of the witches and wizards who were purely after their friendship for purposes of fame, to be able to say that they were friends with the children of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

It made Rose extremely cautious around her classmates, something that didn't rub off well with them. Eventually they stopped trying with her, and she never got to see who was genuine or not. Even now, her classmates were friendly and chatty, but never made any obvious efforts to befriend her for good.

Albus was much more open — he was very much a people's person, no matter how closed off he could be about his feelings. Al was friends with all of their classmates and was easily the most popular wizard in the school, nevermind their year group. James was close second — but mainly because of his infamous pranks and mischievous behaviour.

Lily was loud and boisterous and people took note of that. She was a lot more limited in the friend department, but for different reasons than Rose. Lily was somewhat rude, especially to those outside of her close group of friends. She struggled making friends because of this, but she never seemed to mind. Not like Rose did.

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