Author's Note

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Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for my short absence, unfortunately it will have to carry on like this for the next week and a bit — I am moving to a new city tomorrow to start University and we have this week we call "freshers" (which is basically an excuse to go out every night and get drunk as fuck before uni actually starts) so I will have next-to-no time to write.

Unless, of course, I'm feeling extra smartsy and feel like writing the next half of chapter 15 while I'm dying in bed from alcohol poisoning.  Sounds fun right? Lol, wish me luck, drinking for a week straight is not a good idea — I learned that the hard way from my gals holiday in Zante 2 months ago.

So yeah, to cut a long story short, I'll not be updating for a week and a half.  It sucks.  I know.  I'm also upset, I miss my versions of JK's characters (wish I could call them mine bc they are simply amazing).  I'm sorry.

Hope you all find an amazing HP fanfic to read while I'm gone :(

Love you all, thank you for your support on all my previous chapters<3

PS — I desperately want to write Lily's POV of the last few and the next chapter! Would anyone be interested if I did? I would post it as a seperate one-shot! ... when I have the time, obviously ahahahaha

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