Chapter Ten

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Scorpius led her out of the library. Rose was attempting — painfully so — to be oblivious to the triumphant smirk on his face as she shuffled along behind him.

She refused to admit that he had anything to be triumphant about. This wasn't an act of trust — Rose was merely curious.

Curiosity killed the cat, Rosie... her conscience whispered to her. Rose fought to keep the scowl off her face. She was suddenly beginning to regret her decision to go with him.

Nevertheless, she trudged on behind him as they wound round corner after corner, down staircases and along the never-ending corridors of Hogwarts. Rose took the time to study Scorpius' profile. His black Slytherin robes hung off him in a way that accented his tall and lean frame. His shoulders were broad, but not overly so.

Rose wondered if, under those robes, he had skinny little twig arms like Albus or if, like James, he kept up a good fitness regime—

Rose blinked. Why was she even pondering this? Was she really thinking about Scorpius' fitness regime?

He ruffled his hair with his hand, and Rose was once again distracted.

Scorpius was skinny, in a somewhat manly way. Rose couldn't imagine that his summers away from Hogwarts would be spent at a gym — but he seemed like the type of guy who would keep up an impressive fitness.

He turned his head slightly, as if he could feel her gaze on him. Rose diverted her gaze in a split second and pretended to be interested in the paintings they were passing.

She didn't miss the way his mouth curved up. When he turned back to the front, Rose narrowed her eyes. He was so full of himself — so nerve-wrenchingly confident that he had her right where he wanted her.

Doesn't he? Rose cursed her mind. Of course he didn't. Just because she had agreed to follow him to ... wherever in the name of Merlin he was taking her, didn't mean that she was willing — or looking — to be friends with him.

Rose sighed. Was there any use arguing with herself? She clearly—

"Is something wrong?"

Rose nearly tripped over her own feet, startled by the sudden sound of Scorpius' voice. She looked at him, eyes wide with caution. "Why would there be something wrong?"

Scorpius raised an eyebrow. He had ceased walking, and was now facing her in the middle of the deserted corridor. "You tell me. You are the one who sighed."

She blinked. "Oh... right." She hadn't meant to do that out loud. "Eh, nothing. I was just thinking."

He tilted his head. He seemed to realise that was all the information he was going to receive, so he shrugged and spun on his heel.

Rose cursed herself. Not only did he think she was weak-willed, now he would just assume that she was strange, as well.

Not that I care, she thought pointlessly. Of course she cared — Rose cared about what everyone thought of her.

When she finally found herself able to speak again, they had reached the top of the staircase leading down to the Hufflepuff common room.

She frowned. "Where are you taking me?"

Scorpius smirked over his shoulder, one foot already on the first step down. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

He began descending the staircase. Rose scowled after him. "I have no idea what possessed me to come with you."

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