Chapter Nineteen

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Rose and Scorpius met after curfew that night. Rose had been fretting about it since their run-in with Albus and part of her had been considering not even showing up at the foot of the Astronomy Tower, as they had planned. But the majority of Rose's mind was strong-willed enough to overrule that part of her.

As much as Rose was terrified that someone would catch them, as had happened earlier that day, her desire to see Scorpius was greater. After all, it was Friday night, and Rose had finally finished her week-long punishment of detention. She couldn't wait to get to Hogsmeade with James and Albus the next day to celebrate.

Scorpius was standing at the foot of the Astronomy Tower when Rose rounded the corner. A thought occurred to her as he came into view. She could, in fact, wait for tomorrow if it meant she got to spend time with Scorpius.

His figure was illuminated by the moonlight that shone through the glass windows that wound up the sides of the walls of the tower. His hair was tousled and messy, as usual, and he was sporting a pair of dark jeans, a black hooded jumper and soft-soled trainers.

He smiled at her as she hurriedly made her way over, making her chest blossom with warmth. "Hey," he said.

Rose herself had dressed in a pair of new, blue jeans that her mother had sent over just weeks ago, a dusty-pink jumper and her slippers. Although she had questioned her shoe choice before she had left, Rose decided that she preferred comfort over quality. She was sure Scorpius wouldn't bother with her shoes, anyway.

Not that she had dressed with his opinions in mind, that is.

"Hi," Rose replied, a smile mirroring on her face.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked, his hands in the pockets of his jumper. Scorpius rocked forward on the balls of his feet, cocking an eyebrow at her expectantly.

Rose looked over his shoulder, peering up the winding staircase of the Astronomy Tower as far as she could see. "Maybe we should try somewhere different? I don't really fancy the cold tonight."

"Yeah, it's gotten rather freezing the last few days," Scorpius agreed. "Should we just wander around for a bit, then?"

Pulling a face, she said. "That's a bit risky, isn't it. Filch and Mrs. Norris are always lurking around at night."

Rose's father often commented on the fact that Argus Filch was still alive, never mind working at the castle. She had to agree with him on that; the man looked as though he could keel over at any moment — and his cat didn't look any better, at that!

Scorpius nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, and we both know you can't afford any more detentions now, can you, Weasley?" He teased.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Don't be sour."

"Sour that you get all the detention tasks? How could I not be, Rose! Don't you know that I just love counting cauldrons for Dobbs? It's my favourite pastime!"

She laughed. "She's made you do that, too?"

After they laughed together, Rose found that she couldn't wipe the smile off her face, no matter how hard she tried to school it. She ducked her head, hoping Scorpius wouldn't notice the blinding grin stretching her mouth.

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