Chapter Two

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It was safe to say that the first time Rose Weasley laid eyes on Scorpius Malfoy, she'd been intrigued. 

Platform 9¾ had been bustling with life, first years saying goodbye to their parents or staring up at the scarlet train in awe, older students waving at family members from the train carriages where they sat with friends they maybe hadn't seen all summer. 

Rose was buzzing with the prospect of finally being able to board the train.  She was so excited in fact, as she skipped in front of her family to the spot they had planned to meet her cousins, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny, that she hardly noticed the rude, blonde boy that barged into her, forcing his way through the crowd.

"Excuse me," she had chirped, completely out of character.  Rose wasn't about to let some idiot ruin her fantastic mood.  She briefly spared the boy a glance, but when she did, the bright white of his hair astounded her.

Rose knew her father despised that shade of blonde so much that when he saw a white-blonde haired child anywhere he almost hexed them.  The Malfoy hair was almost indistinguishable given how much her father ranted and raved about the slimy, ugly colour of it.  Rose had always thought his ways of expressing his dislike of the Malfoys were rather childish, and, instead of taking it seriously like he intended her to, she found it rather amusing.

She couldn't, however, deny the fact that it was rather . . . bright.

"You know who that is, don't you?" Hugo had whispered as he arrived beside her.  "Better not let dad catch you staring at him, he might snap his wan—"

Rose opened her mouth to retort, when her mother's voice called out to her.  "Rose! Oh, look, here they come!"


She spun around, the excitement to see her best friend and closest cousin overpowering the need to respond to Hugo's teasing comment about the Malfoy boy, who had since been banished from Rose's mind.

While waiting for Albus and Uncle Harry to join them, Rose's father had spotted the Malfoys.

"So that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains," Ron said, eyeing Rose and Albus' future classmate with disdain and distrust.

Little did Rose know that those words, even 6 years from that moment, would still have a lasting effect on her. 

And, as she stared, gobsmacked, into the silver eyes of her academic rival, Rose knew that they always would.

Scorpius' glare only grew colder the longer Rose stood in front of him, gaping.  "Well? Do you need something?"

Rose knew she should say something. She willed herself to open her mouth, to spit the words out in the same tone he was speaking to her, yet all she could utter was, "Uhm—I—"

The blonde boy sighed, sitting forward in the arm chair and leaning on his elbows on the table.  "Look, Weasley, I really don't have time for this.  Unlike you, there are people who actually need to study to get good grades so, if you'll excuse yourself, I have work to do."

They way he spat her name, as if it was some kind of poison, made Rose's blood boil.  Internally, she cursed herself for assuming that this Malfoy was any better than his father.  He might not be a Death Eater, but he certainly had the personality to match Draco, that much she believed from her father.

Forever the antagoniser, Rose ignored Malfoy's urge to excuse herself and planted herself in the chair opposite him.  "By all means," she smiled sweetly, "continue."

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