Chapter One

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A Note Before You Begin: I've recently had a few comments inquiring into why Albus and Scorpius aren't friends considering Albus is in Slytherin and they are, in fact, friends.  This fanfic was started before Cursed Child was released.  I had the plot points, the characters, and a large majority of the story all figured out by the time that it did.  As it is my story, I didn't want to change any part of it, SO the events of Cursed Child are not in anyway related to this fanfic.  Nothing in the play will be mentioned in this fanfic.  Think of it as an AU but still within the Hogwarts universe 😂 Sorry for any confusion but I hope you still enjoy it all the same <3

"Seriously?" Albus Potter muttered as Rose Weasley finished ranting and raving about the ten things wrong with Serena Thomas. "I still don't understand why you it bothers you so much, Rose."

"Al," Rose sighed in frustration, pushing the now cold egg around on her plate. She'd come into the Great Hall that morning, starving, ready to devour the full English breakfast. Her appetite was lost, however, when she witnessed Serena and her followers—which included some young and deluded wizards, as well as witches—leering down at Scorpius Malfoy as he tried to eat in peace. "It's not right. His father may have made some bad choices in his time but your dad's explained this to us so many times—he's changed since his days here. Scorpius can't have his father's actions held against him."

Her cousin peered curiously up at her, his gaze burning a hole in her forehead.  "You know, for someone who claims not to be fond of Malfoy, you sure are protective of him."

Rose scoffed, rolling her eyes at him.  "Oh, come off it, Al!" It was times like these that Rose resented Albus and his, dangerous, at times, curiosity streak.  "I'm not protective of him, I'm just--" she faltered, unable to give him a feasible explanation. It was one of those rare moments when Rose Weasley didn't know exactly what to say to get herself out of trouble—something which she found herself in more often than not with her prankster of a cousin, James Potter.

Albus cocked an eyebrow.  "You're just? Go on, Rosie, do enlighten me."

"I do not have to explain myself to the likes of you," she teased, already plotting her way out of this mess.  "Plus, he doesn't need protection; he is a Slytherin, after all." She dropped her fork onto her plate with a clatter.  "You ready to go? We've got a Potions test in half an hour and I want to do some last-minute cramming."

He pushed up from the table, rolling his eyes and ruffling his dark hair with his hand.  "Like you need the extra revision."

It was true that, in terms of brains, Rose was very much like her mother, Hermione.  However, Rose and Albus were very much aware that, following in the example of her father, Ron, she lacked motivation for studying and homework, usually completing her assignments in the late hours of the night by the dim light of the Gryffindor common room after everyone else headed off to bed.  Ever the slacker, she was frequently accompanied by James, who, more often than not, bored himself to sleep and left Rose to complete his homework for him out of pity. 

Honestly, Rose didn't mind the extra workload that James brought.  He was in the year above, but Rose found that, after a bit of light reading on the subjects, she could complete his assignments rather easily, only resulting in making the following year that much simpler. 

The entire family knew of James' plans to join their cousin, Fred, in the running of the Weasley joke shop, which Rose's Uncle George and his late twin brother had opened upon leaving school in their sixth year.  Despite cousin Fred leaving after his sixth year, Aunt Ginny and Grandma Weasley had been less than pleased about James' lack of intention to finish his education, although, Uncle Harry was much more laid back on the subject. 

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