He needs you

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We had to call an ambulance. Jimin just didn't faint, Jungkook said he was breathing heavily while grasping his chest then fell unconscious. We were all panicking, but the members seemed to handle it well. I was oblivious on the other hand.

The scent of hospital waft its way into my nose. I hated this smell, the smell of lifeless and dreadful fragrance. Everyone was worried about Jimin, even Jin who was spitting full of hatred words earlier.

Will he be okay?

I felt a presence beside me, but since I was too exhausted to move, I didn't bother to look.

"Jimin-hyung." Jungkook started saying, breaking the ice.

"He has a heart disease." He trailed off.

My heart clenched. So bad.

"Since he was probably way too stressed earlier, it triggered his condition. That's one of the causes of him fainting. Although he performs a lot, he usually fights it so well even though we worry about him." He sighed in despair. "This happened before, ocassionaly. But we knew what to do instantly incase it happens again. And it did."

"You know, he opened up to me about you." He chuckled slowly even while his salty tears roll down his flawless skin. "He didn't know who you were, but seeing that sad look on your face when you first met, he knew he wanted to change that. The more you spent time together, the more he fell-"

The door of Jimin's room opened, revealing the doctor and causing Jungkook to stop talking and stood up instead. The others rushed to him, eager to know if he was alright.

"Is he okay?" They askes in unison.

"To be honest..." The doctor started off, causing the anxiety to rise in us knowing his answer wasn't a 'yes'. "It seems that his condition has gotten worse."

"What? How come?" Namjoon asked in a panic.

"It seems like he's been in a lot of stress and he had a sudden cardiac arrest. He was about to die."

Everyone lost it, the sound of sobs were resonating throughout the hallway. 5 men were weeping for their dear friend.

Their brother.

I can't help but to feel the pain in my heart, slowly crumbling at the news. He never told me and it made me feel worse, making me think that he doesn't trust me enough and at the fact that I couldn't help him.

"With the help of the nurses and doctors, I managed to prevent that." He showed a half smile, still sympathetic. "So, he is okay. But he's in a critical situation. If any causes of triggering his disease occur again, the hope of him surviving... is gone."

Everyone went silent. Taehyung looking down, silently sobbing to himself thinking no one would notice. But, I saw it all.

We jumped when we heard a loud thunder outside. It seems like it's raining, making this even more remorseful for us.

Of course, whenever something bad happens, it rains like it's teasing me.

"Hello. Could you tell me where son's room is? His name is Park Jimin." A man's voice asked, nonchalantly with a rough voice, very intimidating. The mention of his name caught my sense of hearing to be directed at this man.

And my instincts were right. It was none other than his father. The boys tensed, not liking what they saw and heard.

He walked towards us but didn't greet any of the members, not even laying his eyes on them.

"What happened to him?" He asked the doctor, bluntly.

"This son of a b**ch." Jin grumbled under his breath, full of annoyance.

Namjoon laid his hand on the eldest and softly patted him to ease his anger. The doctor explained then left after bowing.

The tension surrounding us got worse by every breath we take. With this aura around us, it's very difficult to breathe.

"We had an argument the last time we talked." His back was facing us, but he continued, "It was pretty violent. It was me who decided to shut this place down, I needed the money. But, the kid came to me almost everyday, begging not to do it, but I wasn't even thinking of him. Sorry for lying. I was mad. Mad at his last words so I felt no remorse when I put the blame on him." And with that, he walked off.

Hoseok faced the direction where he left off and formed a fist, throbbing it in the air, wishing it was him. I held his fisted hand and squeezed it. That man was selfish. Unreasonable. Inconsiderate.

"Excuse me. Can we visit him?" Taehyung asked the doctor who was standing with his check list, silently.

"Yes, but 2 or 1 at the time."

Jungkook, Taehyung.
Hoseok, Namjoon.
Then me.

Jin didn't want to face him since he was filled with guilt and regret.

"Don't blame yourself." I told him once it was Hoseok's and Namjoon's turn. I waited till Jungkook and Taehyung decided to take some fresh air before talking to Jin.

"It's impossible not to. He was at the verge of dying and my last words to him weren't pleasant." He cried, hands on his tearful face.

"But, he didn't disappear from us. You can tell him you were sorry."

"It's just sad. I didn't comfort him but instead I let out my anger on him, blaming him on what his father did when we was handling it alone, protecting us. I promised myself I would take care of him." He groaned and hit the wall, but flinched when the pain came. "He should've asked us for help! We were a team."

I don't usually do this, but I gave him a hug. Not what Min Yoongi would do, but I let my pride aside, knowing my friend needs consolation the most right now.

"He needs you." I whispered. Namjoon and Hoseok came out, witnessing the scene. Their eyes widened at the sight but said no words.

I pushed him towards the door. "Go." He hesitantly entered and shut the door.

I sighed for the umpteenth time today. Seems like I'll be the last one. "Yoongi-hyung. You should go home." Namjoon patted my back. "Jimin is still asleep."

"No. I want to see him." They nodded and told me they'd wait outside along with Jungkook and Taehyung, desperately wanting to get out of the hospital.

Jin was out in no time, cheeks stained with tears. "Yoongi."

I nodded and entered. And there he was, lying on the hospital bed with a cannula on his arm. His body looking lifeless, face pale. All I could hear is the constant beeping from the monitor and my heart thumping so hard.

"Why does it have to be you? I'd rather take your place and suffer myself, I had nothing to live for." I whispered, touching his cold, numb hand with my warm ones. I look at his closed eyes, nose then lips.

Seconds later, his fingers budged. With wide eyes, I looked at him with hope.

His eyes fluttered open, meeting mine and I sighed myself in relief.


Thank, God.

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