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"To meet my friends." He grinned like a Cheshire cat. I don't know if I should punch that smile off of his face or smile back, seeing how contagious it is.

"You have friends?" I snorted, teasing him a little bit. He furrowed his eyebrows and hit me on the back of my head, catching me off guard. I swear this kid is full of surprises.

"Sorry. It's my habit to hit my dongsaengs and hyungs. Come on." He walked further into the mysterious yet prodigious place. Well, I feel bad for those friends of yours.

The people we were passing by, sitting on the booths cheered Jimin's name, earning a wink from him. The girls squealed whilst the boys groaned with a slight smile, indicating they were just teasing them.

"I take it that you're famous around here?" I spoke up when the people stopped speaking to him. Damn, that feels awkward.

"Kind of?" He opened a door just near the stage and my ears were filled with loud noises.

"Guys! Shut it!" A man with wide shoulders scolded the other men, who were arm wrestling, like a mom screeching for their children to clean their room. Then, there's this other guy dancing like crazy in the other side of the room. 

This room has different worlds in it, I swear.

Jimin hit his knuckles against the opened door, trying to get their attention.

"Yes!" A young looking guy yelled out in victory while his opponent is bawling in defeat.

The wide shouldered mom finally realized our presence and immediately jogged towards Jimin. "Jiminy! Where's my cake?"

Jimin's eyes widened like he was about to get murdered. He face palmed himself and apologized continuously. "Jin-hyung, I got distracted." He pointed over to me and I felt small when all eyes laid on me, but I showed no evidence of my emotions right now.

The wide shouldered man, who's named Jin, gave Jimin a withering look, wanting to shoot lasers off his eyes and turn Jimin into an ash.

"Who's he?" Another guy sitting on the sofa, holding a notebook questioned. There are too many people here.

"This is Yoongi. I just met him earlier." He introduced me, while closing the door behind us. "Yoongi, that is Jin, the one with the wide shoulders, he's like a mom." I internally laughed at how accurate my description of him was. Jin chided, but he ignored him. "The one dancing is Hoseok, he's the best in dancing. You should watch him perform. The one who won the arm wrestling is Jungkook, don't arm wrestle with him, I warn you. The loser is Taehyung. Taehyung is just Taehyung. And the genius song writer, Namjoon."

He introduced them one by one and my head started to churn already.

"Yoongi." I simply said, introducing myself.

"He's not much of a speaker." Jimin told them like he knew everything about me. They all nodded at the obvious fact.

"Welcome. It's rare that Jimin brings over some friends. You must be special." Jin stated.

"We just met." I muttered, loud enough for them to hear. They chuckled. 

I didn't even say anything funny.

"Oh, hyung! It's time to perform!" Jungkook stormed away from his spot, leaving the Taehyung dude that looked like his soul left his body, and ran off to another room to prepare I assume.

"You better watch us." Jimin gave me a thumbs up and disappeared into the room.


To say that I was amuse is an understatement. Their stage presence caught my attention already, let alone their dance moves and voices. I was amazed, astonished. Now, I know why people were such a huge fan of them.

I assumed Namjoon was the one composing these songs. I instantly admire the lyrics. He's a pretty good rapper along with Hoseok, they're admirable.

"It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it
Erase all sad memories
Hold my hand and smile
It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it
Erase all sad memories
Smile holding onto each other's hands"

This felt like the moment I just had earlier. The thought made me exhale a laugh from my nose.

After the killer dance moved that Hoseok performed, they finished performing and bowed down to their fans who were clapping and chanting their names.


I don't know what came up in my stupid yet genius mind but I stood up, walked over to the stage and took the mic. Jimin watched me with curiosity, eager to know what I intended. 

People's confused eyes piercing through, wondering who I was. Usually, I'd be shaking, afraid of the attention I was receiving. But I open my mouth and started rapping. No music, no background sounds. I was rapping with emotions, spitting it out. I closed my eyes, disregarding people's existence, shutting out the whispers going around the place. All I could hear is my own strong voice.

The lyrics I made in my mind the moment I was under the rain. The lyrics that shows the emotions bottling up inside of me. If i don't express them now, who will remember them?

Once I finished, I started panting. I opened my eyes, scared what it would meet.

Hands clapping were ringing into my ears and I can't help but sigh in relief.

"Who was he? Is he a new member?" "He's not half bad." Everyone were talking about my presence and only now did I realize how embarrassing and rude that was of me. 

"Oh, Yoongi! You were so good!" Hoseok complimented me, patting me on the back. He just laughed at my apologetic look.

"That was... amazing!" Taehyung's smile were revealed and his eyes filled with adoration.

I smiled shyly. "Thanks."

"What do you say about being the 7th member of the group?" Jin asked, not caring where we were. Their fans stood silently, looking at me in anticipation, some giving me a thumbs up.

A member? So suddenly? 

I looked at Jimin who was expecting my answer with sparkling eyes. I found myself being held captivated in that deep dark brown eyes of his feeling like I'm being hypnotized. And suddenly my mind drifted of to the people that abandoned me because of my dream.

"Why not?"

All of them, including the audience cheered. 

Why not, indeed.

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