Scene III

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The party is chaos, people are flowing in and out of a large barn with a towering 6 foot bonfire in front of it. The party had just begun, nothing too terribly crazy has happened yet. Lights flash in different colors from the windows and out of the crooked barn roof.

MAGGIE and JEFF SHAW (17), Maggie's first and last ex-boyfriend, arrive in his car. Maggie looks like she just picked semi-nice clothes, more for comfort than anything, nothing too showy. Jeff is driving and Maggie takes in the controlled chaos in front of her.

Mags, are you sure you want to be here? You look like you're going to throw up.

I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Come on.

Maggie and Jeff make their way to the barn, dodging A COUPLE giggling as they not so sneakily go into the woods.

TRISH walks out of the barn four red solo cups in hand, she grins when she sees Maggie and Jeff.

I'm so happy you made it! Oh, hey Jeff.

Trish throws Jeff a side eye and looks to Maggie as to why she brought him. She gives the cups to Maggie and Jeff before downing the other two as shots.

So, a little birdy told me that you have strippers?

No... what little birdy is that? I can't afford strippers yet.

You can guess.


Maggie nods in agreement. Trish grabs the last two cups from Jeff and Maggie and chugs those as well.

Oh my god. That's why so many guys showed up... Oh! I have a special someone I want you to meet, by the way. He's so hot you can't turn me down.

Jeff's jaw tightened, he coughed like something was caught in his throat and looked to Maggie, hoping she would protest and say no to Trish's offer.

Okay, well, Jeff you can either come with or get me something to drink that Trish won't steal.

If it doesn't have Captain in it, I won't touch it.

Trust me Trish, we know. (To Maggie) Find me once you're done your boy toy.

Jeff enters the barn to find where Trish found her beverage.

What's his deal? I still don't see why the hell you would stay best friends with your ex-boyfriend.

I don't know, maybe the fact that you just mentioned hooking me up with another guy in front of him.

Maggie and Trish follow a swarm of people into the barn, Maggie letting Trish lead her to this new guy.

Still doesn't explain why you're hanging out with him six months after you broke up.

He's exactly what you said though, my best friend. I feel like I can tell him anything, and I know him, I just- It's complicated.

Are you pregnant?!

No! Trish, no!

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