8:36 To: *** **** ***
What's with the sudden interest in me?

8:37 From: *** **** ***
idk just curious i guess

8:37 From: *** **** ***
you never told me ur name or anything

8:40 From: *** **** ***
i mean im not forcing you. u should probably not be talking to me right now lmao

8:40 To: *** **** ***

8:41 From: *** **** ***

8:41 To: *** **** ***
My name is Keith. I know it's not as cool as Stiles or Derek. And I'm 17.

8:42 From: *** **** ***

8:42 From: *** **** ***
o wow

8:42 From: *** **** ***
oooooo wow

8:42 From: *** **** ***
i have been trusted

8:42 From: *** **** ***
didnt u tell me not to talk to u anymore :))))) i know u can't resist this

8:42 From: *** **** ***
also that is such a pretty name dont even shame or derek and stiles they should all change their names into keith

8:42 To: *** **** ***
Shut up.

8:43 To: *** **** ***
But thank you :)

8:44 From: *** **** ***
does that mean we're bffs now??? ヽ(・∀・)ノ

8:44 To: *** **** ***
Fuck no.

8:44 From: *** **** ***
aw :c

8:45 From: *** **** ***
but can i have ur number tho

8:47 To: *** **** ***
We are literally texting each other.

8:47 To: *** **** ***
...But I have Instagram. Do you want it??

8:48 From: *** **** ***
fuck yes!!!??? sí?????? hai????? wō yào????? aku mau????

8:48 To: *** **** ***
LoL Alright it's @kvithkoga

8:48 From: *** **** ***
dont say that

8:48 To: *** **** ***
Say what?

8:48 From: *** **** ***

8:48 To: *** **** ***
Why not?

8:48 From: *** **** ***
its weird u sound like my nephew and he's a dick pauler

8:49 To: *** **** ***
Fuck you I can say whatever I want LoL LoL LoL

8:50 To: *** **** ***
Who the fuck is mynameLance

8:50 From: *** **** ***
my name jeff

8:50 From: *** **** ***
u gotta say it in the accent bro

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