All guys are the same. Hazel's father, went from zero to sixty out the door; and then there was that ass from college, who sort-of, broke my heart. Apparently our biological uncle who knows we exists, yet has never cared to check up on us — so much for blood-relatives. Along with millions of others that have gone through the same thing.

"I'm not even going to answer that." I shook my head.

"Look, I'm just saying, it won't hurt to just get to know someone." She spoke and I scoffed. I noticed that she tilted her head, watching my subtle movements. "You know what you need? Just one good night of fun. You're so uptight."


"Oh don't pull that full, first-name crap on me. It's true." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you need to stop right now. I don't really want to get into talking about my non-existent  love life right now, so this conversation is over." I put both of my hands up, hoping that she would finally get the hint. 

"Alright fine, it is between us." Yes; but then I watched her as she bit at her nails, then nodded upwards. "But it isn't with him."

Before I could ask what she meant, I saw Jamie walk up to me, and Josie was nowhere to be seen. A smile was planted widely on his face. 

Damn it. She set me up.


"Hi." I repeated his single greeting. The two of us stared at one another for a couple of seconds or so, no words being exchanged. It was then that I thought about what my annoying sister said, and I currently hate her for that. I made a mental note to verbally fight her about this again later. I have a feeling this will end up into me actually going on an actual date; but no matter what, I'm not asking him out. I'm not the desperate one. God, I hate small talk. Well, here goes nothing. 

"Sorry about my sister earlier. Sometimes she doesn't know how to shove a sock in her mouth."

"Don't worry about it." He chuckled. I can't deny that he had a nice laugh. Okay, maybe he's not that bad. Give him a chance Céline."I know this might come out a little awkward, but would you like to have dinner with me? Possibly a movie. I mean, you can say no."

"Um..." I trailed off. Damn you, Josie. "... Sure, why not? But, let's just say that things, hypothetically, don't go too well, wouldn't it be a bit awkward in the future? I mean, you are my niece's doctor."

"True, but I don't think we'd have a problem. It's also only one date."

"Touché." I simply responded.

We spent a few minutes deciding on the date and time, then we went our own ways. I went straight towards my sister, who had the widest grin on her pretty face.

"So, how'd it go?" She wiggled her brows, knowing exactly what the answer is. Of course though, she wanted to hear it herself.

"He asked me out on a date. Like you didn't know. I saw you eavesdropping. Next time you want to do that, make it a little more discrete."

"H-how did you see me?" Her eyes widened.

"You do realise that there are mirrors on the corners of the walls, hitting the ceiling. I saw you in the reflection." I laughed.

"Oh. Oops." She chuckled and then went on asking me about what I was going to wear. Of course, she had to make sure I wasn't going to wear plain old jeans and a sweater.

That was simply how I was comfortable. I did know how to dress nicely, and I mean, it's not like I go out dressed in old rags. I just focused on spending my money on more important things and savings. You never know when you'd hit a point where you'd have to rely on someone else. That wasn't who I was. I never wanted to rely on anyone. Though, with the amount of money I make, it is more than enough for a nice wardrobe, and a decent apartment. 

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