Chapter Nine - The Note

Start from the beginning

Goodbye, Ace.

"Did I actually write that? Oh gosh Camilla, I am so sorry. It's true, you deserve a guy that won't try to take his own life and hurt you like that."

"No, Ace. I don't deserve you. You're a great guy. It just really hurt when I heard you yelling at your mum that I didn't care that you love me. I do so care. I appreciate you and care about you, so much."

"When I told you I loved you, what did you say?"

I swallowed.

"Did you tell me you loved me?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Camilla, you don't love me do you?"

"Ace, I honestly don't know how I feel about you. But there is something else we did..." I paused.

"Did we have sex?" He blurted out.

"No! Of course not! We uh kissed."

"We did?"


"Tell me what happened."

Flashback to Saturday

"Camilla, I love you," he slurred and gave me a big toothless grin.

"Okay Ace. I love you too. But you really need to go to bed." I laughed. He's actually pretty funny when he's drunk.

"You wuv me?" He smiled.

"I wuv you very much."

"Aw thanks baby." Ace giggled planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey, Ace." I stopped him from lying down in his bed.

"Hmm?" He asked sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"You missed." I laughed.

"Missed what?"

"My lips." I grinned.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Oh for goodness sakes just kiss me Ace!"

"Kiss you?"

"Yes! Just kiss me right-"

His rough lips were pressed against mine for a long time. His breath smelled like alcohol but I didn't care.

Flashback ends

"You asked me to kiss you?"

"Maybe..." I whispered.

"Why? Why do you keep playing me like this?" Ace threw his arms up in frustration.

"Ace, you were drunk and I was so emotional, I wanted someone to comfort me okay? It was a mistake. I used you so I could feel comforted and I'm sorry. It wasn't right. But I knew I couldn't leave you alone. Plus, if I didn't tell you that I loved you back, you would've cried again and-"

"I was crying? I must've looked like such a wreck." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you did look like a wreck. But for that night, you were my wreck. You belonged to me and I enjoyed the thought and feeling of having you."

There was silence for a second.

"Do you want me for who I am? Or do you only want me because I was cute when I was drunk?"

"Ace, I don't think I want to talk about this anymore. It was a mistake kissing you and I won't force you to kiss me anymore."

We stopped talking about that after.

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