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Lauren's POV

I had thought correct, the face matches the voice I had imagined. I haven't heard her voice in so long, I nearly forgot how it sounded. I could never forget about her though, and what she did to me.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is Lauren Jauregui an actual girl now?" Yep, she's still the condescending girl I remember, despite how much she's grown. As much as I'd like to bitch her out, I don't want any troubles. "Lucy, it's been a while. How have you been?"

"I'm doing alright. I just moved back from New Orleans two days ago, what a coincidence that we run into each other so soon." I'm willing to take this conversation farther, but my sister walks around the corner and she had a similar reaction to mine.

"Hi Lucy." She stiffly greets the woman. "Lauren, we need to get home and start on dinner or it won't be ready in time." I'm ready to bolt out of here ASAP, thanks to my helpful sister. "I'm sorry, maybe we could catch up some other time?" I remain as polite as I can even though I secretly hope she never takes me up on that.

"Of course" She adds with a smile. "You look really good Lauren, happy, and you deserve to be after all I put you through back then. I'll let you go and make dinner, I'm sure you're busy for the rest of the day but I'd like to go out some time to catch up. Think about it. If you'd like to, I'm sure Vero could give you my number, I'm sure you've probably deleted it by now." And just like that, she walks away leaving my in yet another whirlwind of emotions. Is this going to go like last time? Should I even consider the offer? My head and heart never get a chance to relax.

"You really need to find a better way to pick them sis, your track record sucks." Taylor rolls her eyes and walks to the cash register to pay for our groceries while I try to catch up. I haven't told my family the extents of my breakup with Camila, all they know is that we aren't together anymore and I'm planning on keeping it that way with them. It just makes my sister's statement hit a lot harder than she had intended.


Narrator's POV

Dinner went well and the Jauregui family split up into their own rooms for some downtime before going to bed. Lauren is looking at leads for jobs wherever they may be available.

"Maybe out-of-state may be the fresh start that I've been looking for." She broadens her search to where the demand for graphic designers. Some of the places catching her eye include San Francisco, New York, San Jose, Seattle, and Boston. Although some of those places may sound great, she knows that she needs to be realistic and take into account for how expensive the living costs would be. Giving up for the night, she sighs and closes her laptop.

Not wanting to go to sleep so early, she decides to call her best friend and check in for the day. The call is answered before the third ring and the booming voice of Dinah comes through the speakers of her phone. "Look guys, I told you she was going to call." Then came a stream of 'Lauren!'s and 'We miss you!'s from all of her friends.

She laughs it off and greets all of the girls. Apparently Dinah had Ally, Normani, and Ashley over for the night. After a long chat with the girls and listening to how their days have been, Lauren politely asks to talk to Dinah and the girl finds a secluded room in the apartment. "Spill the tea girl, what happened today?"

"I ran into Lucy today." Before she could get anything else out, she is interrupted by a loud gasp on the other side of the call. "No Lauren." She says sternly. "Do. Not. Go. There. She is no good! You went there for a break, not more heartbreak."

"I know that Dinah. I didn't want to but I feel like I kind of need to hear her out. She told me to ask Vero for her number if I felt comfortable doing so and she wasn't going to pressure me into talking to her. She seemed almost nice for a minute."

"I don't know Lauren, you know what happened last time with her. You just went through two horrible relationships/ breakups back to back and I just got you back after the last one. Please don't let her crawl her way back into your life like that."

"I am in no way looking at her like that, nor will I. I just need to know where it went wrong last time and why everything went down. It sounds like she actually wants to talk to me and I think I'm going to take her up on it."

"I don't think it's a good idea but I'm not stopping you. Please know your boundaries and don't get yourself hurt. I'm always here to talk whenever you need to and I expect daily updates on your life anyways. I love you Lauren."

"I will be sure to call at least every night. Thank you for being my best friend throughout all of this. Love you too Dinah."

The two girls hang up and Lauren stares at her phone for a moment before slowly opening her texts.

Texts between Lauren and Vero

[Lauren 11:19 pm]

It's kind of late and out of the blue, so I'm sorry. Could you send me Lucy's number when you get the chance?

[Vero 11:24 pm]

You forget that I'm the owner of a night club. This is early for me

[Vero 11:24 pm]

You want Vives' number? Are you sure that's a good idea?

[Lauren 11:25 pm]

Yes, I think it's about time I hear her side of everything

**Lucy's contact information**

[Vero 11:27 pm]

Please be careful Lauren. I'm here if you need somebody

[Lauren 11:31 pm]

Thank you


Texts between Lauren and Lucy

[Lauren 11:50 pm]

I want to take you up on that offer. Are you free to talk any time tomorrow?

[Lucy 11:53 pm]

I genuinely didn't think I would hear from you again

[Lauren 11:54 pm]

Well I didn't think so either.

[Lucy 11:55 pm]

I have a gig that is supposed to end around 1 and I'm free any time after that. Would it be weird if we went to my place? I don't feel like it's proper to talk about this in public.

[Lucy 11:55 pm]

I'm sorry I made you feel like you never wanted to talk to me again

[Lauren 12:00 am]

I can do 1:30 and I'll need your address

[Lauren 12:02 am]

I'm not doing this because I want to become friends or anything. I want to hear your side and move on with my life

[Lucy 12:02 am]

I understand. I'll see you at 1:30, and I live in the apartment complex where we used to sneak in for the pool. Just ask at the front desk and they'll tell you where to go.

[Lucy 12:03 am]

Thank you

*Read at 12:17*

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