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Narrator's POV

"Hey beautiful." Lauren's face lights up the second her girlfriend pops up on her screen. Although they have been talking several times a day for just over two weeks now, it's still the best part of their days.

Instead of her usual smile, Camila responds with a short wave to her girlfriend in the midst of a yawn. "I'm sorry, Sofi and I have been on the road all day and coffee can only keep me energized for so long." She spins her phone so her sleeping sister is in frame for a moment. "Anyways, how have you been, gorgeous?"

"Please tell me that you've been getting sleep, Camz."

"Not as much as I should be, but enough to keep me going. I promise I'm working on it. Enough about me, how are you doing today?"

"I've recently decided that I have way too much time to myself now. I never realized how much time we spent with each other before you left, now I'm stuck with myself most of the time."

"What about the girls? Please tell me that you've been living your life and aren't adopting the life of a hermit just because of me."

"I've hung out with them a few times. Mostly Mani though, I've picked up a few more shifts at the bar and a few of ours overlap now. It just doesn't feel right with the four of us hanging out without you."

"I'm sorry. Please keep talking to them, they care about you and would do anything to be there for you."

"They're not you though. I knew this was going to be rough but I'm honestly having a bad week and it makes this whole situation much harder for me. It'll pass and then maybe I can try to be with the girls more."

"I understand, do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe some other time? Somebody just knocked on the door. Give me a second, I'll be right back."

Lauren moves out of frame and opens the door to be welcomed by a young man holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Lauren Jarargi?"

"Jauregui, but yes, I am her. How may I help you?"

"I'm sorry. I have a flower delivery for you. All you have to do is sign here saying that you received them and I'll be on my way." He holds out a clipboard with a pen pointing to a highlighted line on the paper.

"May I ask who sent these?" She questions as she signs the paper. "I do not know, I'm just the delivery boy. I believe there's a letter inside though, hopefully you can find out from there." They exchange clipboard for flowers and say their goodbyes before Lauren sits back down in front of her laptop.

"That was weird." She says with a giggle.

"Who was that?"

"I guess somebody sent me flowers." She shrugged, showing them off to her girlfriend.

"Damn, I guess I've got some competition now. Did they say who it's from?"

"No, but they left a note inside. You don't have to worry, I'm way too deep in this relationship already, nobody has anything on you. They are really pretty flowers though."

"Well I'm glad. Read it."

Not having to be told twice, she takes the paper from the clip and reads the note.

Good afternoon, mi amor. A little birdy told me that you haven't been feeling yourself lately, so I figured I had to do something to help. Odds are, we're talking on the phone or facetiming right now and I have a massive grin on my face because I know you're reading this.

I needed to tell you that I love you, Lauren. I tell you that every day but sometimes I feel like it needs to be expressed in a more extravagant way. You are my world, please never forget that.

I have to cut this short because this piece of paper is tiny and I want to see your mesmerizing eyes look back at mine as soon as you look up from it.

Te amo,

As said in the letter, Lauren looks up at her screen and catches her girlfriend's eyes watching her. "You just made my week. I love you so much, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Besides, you have to go get ready."

"Ready for what?"

"I talked to the girls and told them that I am going to force you to hang out with them for the night. They have a dinner reservation and movie tickets, I don't know what else they've planned. You have half an hour until you leave. Please go and have fun."

"Thirty minutes? That's not enough time to get ready."

"Then go now, we can talk again tomorrow. Just text me when you get home please."

"I will. Thank you Camz."

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