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Group Chat

[Dinah 2:57 pm]

Al, when did you say you were leaving?

[Allysin 2:59 pm]

I said around 2 but it'll probably be within the next 30 minutes

[Dinah 3:04 pm]

so that plus the three hour drive probably won't get you here by 5...

[Mila 3:05 pm]

Wow, isn't math fun!

[Mani 3:05 pm]

She's actually kind of a math genius tbh, she has helped me with my calculus work before

[Dinah 3:06 pm]

you weren't supposed to tell

[Dinah 3:06 pm]

My cover is blown. I repeat, my cover is blown

[Mila 3:07 pm]

Quick, what's the square root of 1681. You have five seconds

[Mila 3:07 pm]


[Mila 3:07 pm]


[Dinah 3:07 pm]


[Mila 3:07 pm]


[Mani 3:08 pm]

Wait... is that right?

[Mila 3:08 pm]


[Allysin 3:09 pm]

Whatever, weirdo

[Allysin 3:09 pm]

To answer your question, no I won't get there by 5

[Dinah 3:09 pm]


[Dinah 3:09 pm]

im about to take L to her therapy appointment, but I can't pick her up. I have a very important hair appointment that i cannot miss

[Mila 3:10 pm]

I can get her. Send me the address and I'll take her for some ice cream after

[Dinah 3:10 pm]

thanks chancho

[Normani 3:10 pm]

I want ice cream...

[Mila 3:11 pm]

Too bad

[Mila 3:12 pm]

How is laur anyways? I haven't heard much from her

[Dinah 3:13 pm]

that girl has been through a lot. The cops questioned her the night of his arrest and she has been a little more reserved than usual. First week was hell and she barely got any sleep for a few nights after the one you stayed over. Other than that, there's been no more breakdowns or panic attacks that I know of.

[Mila 3:13 pm]

Good. She deserves the world

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