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Group chat

[Mani 3:24 pm]

Ugh I need a job

[DJ 3:25 pm]

ive been telling you that for weeks

[Mani 3:25 pm]

You think I listen to you?

[DJ 3:26 pm]


[Lauser 3:27 pm]

I think the bar is hiring, I can talk to my boss if you want

[DJ 3:27 pm]

YES! She would look SOOOOO HOT as a bartender. omfg

[DJ 3:27 pm]

ummm I mean...

[DJ 3:27 pm]

you should totally go for it mani...

[Mani 3:29 pm]

are you sure Lauren, I don't want to put you in a weird position at your job

[Lauser 3:30 pm]

Totally, I think Dave said something about being short-staffed last week.

[Mani 3:30 pm]

you do realize that I know like nothing about drinks, right?

[Lauser 3:31 pm]

I'm in charge of training newbies, you'll be in good hands.

[Mani 3:34 pm]

Count me in then!

[Lauser 3:35 pm]

Already texted him, you have an interview in an hour and he has basically said yes already. Just look semi-decent and flash that award-winning smile and you've got it.

[Mani 3:35 pm]

well that's a little soon...

[Lauser 3:37 pm]

I'll be on shift, so I can show you around and introduce you to everybody.

[Mani 3:39 pm]

see you in an hour I guess

[DJ 3:56 pm]

does that mean she is going to start wearing that hot uniform too?

[DJ 3:56 pm]

because I can barely stand you in it...

[Lauser 4:00 pm]

Yes it does, stop drooling

[DJ 4:04 pm]


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