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Narrator's POV

The familiar noise of a call resonates through the Cabello girls' adjoined hotel room. Upon seeing the name on the screen, Sofi runs up to the laptop to answer it before Camila gets out of the shower. 

"Dinah! Kaki won't let me talk to you anymore, she said you're a bad influence on me. I wasn't ignoring you, I promise!" This causes the oldest to start laughing on the other end of the call. 

"It's alright Sof, I figured something was up." She pauses for a second before remembering the reason she called. "As much as I'd like to talk to you and teach you my 'horrible' ways, is your sister around? I kind of wanted to talk with her for a bit since she went awol on me." This prompts an eye roll before she exits from frame to get her older sister. 

The sound of a door opening can be heard before the quiet voices. "No Sofi, I don't want to talk to her right now. I've already told you about this." 

Without anything else needing to be said, Dinah makes her presence known, "Don't want to talk to who?" Camila walks in front of the screen and jumps at the volume of Dinah's voice. "Because I know you weren't going to ignore me, I'm too damn fine for you to pass up the opportunity to have a girl chat with me." Her voice getting slightly heated as she continues.

"No, I wasn't talking about you Dinah. Sofi was talking about somebody else.Nobody could ignore you, no matter how hard they tried." She waves her sister out, making sure that she can't eavesdrop on their conversation.

"That's what I thought." She states proudly. "Down to business, where the hell have you been and why haven't you done more than text me five words at a time since you left?"

"Love the straightforwardness, first and foremost, but I can't really answer that question right now. We've got something to take care of and I would like it if you leave out the twenty questions for now."

"I already got that answer twice now, when you set up our date with Lauren and when she told us what was going on. You didn't even come by to say goodbye to me. Hell, you were going to leave Lauren without saying bye. You also gave her a black eye with that door you slammed into her by the way. That thing stayed on her face for a solid week." 

"I wasn't thinking much that day, I'm sorry for how I handled things. We've had this talk before though, just over text. Please just tell me the real reason you're calling."

"You're still handling things poorly, chancho." Her voice softens slightly. 

"What do you mean? I try to stay in contact, I don't know what more I can do for you."

"I'm worried about Lauren. She's been really quiet lately and almost never goes out of the apartment in hopes that you two could talk. Mani said that she took up a ton of shifts at work and then practically stopped working altogether. I don't know what you've done to her, but please fix it. I'm starting to see the Lauren I knew after her grandmother passed away."

"I talk to her almost every night. She seems fine when we talk and she said that she has been studying a lot, which is the reason she hasn't had time to work."

"You call her once a week, at most. And the only thing she's been studying is your contact picture in her phone. You need to finish doing whatever you left us to do and come back to Miami. I'm not going to say anything else, you just need to get your priorities straight. You need to fix Lauren."

With that, Dinah clicks the red button, ending the call, and Camila is left alone in the room again. With her mind racing, she starts getting ready to go to sleep until she hears another incoming call. It's almost guaranteed to be Dinah apologizing for being so harsh on her, or at least Normani apologizing on her behalf. 

Instead, the familiar pale face with bright green eyes and dark, wavy hair pops up on the screen. Without a second thought, Camila shuts the laptop closed and the room is engulfed in dead silence.

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