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Narrator's POV

Lauren is sitting on the couch in hers and Dinah's apartment catching up on American Horror Story when her roommate plops down beside her. Dinah takes the liberty of pressing the pause button on the remote, earning a deadly glare from the older of the two. "What the fuck Dinah, I just started that."

"Chill Lauser, I haven't been able to talk to you in forever and I want to check in with my best friend." Now that she thinks about it, they have been busy between school and work lately. When they weren't, they were hanging out with the other girls and haven't had any true one-on-one time in ages. "Okay fine, what's up?" Dinah's face lights up as she can finally talk about the great time she's had lately. "Honestly, I don't think I've been this happy before. I know that work and school have been horrible lately, but any time I'm with Mani, I feel like I'm the luckiest person alive." She scoots back more, getting more comfortable before continuing," I think I love her."

Lauren can't stifle the happiness spreading throughout her face. She has seen her friend in her best and worst moments, but she agrees with Dinah, Lauren has never seen her this happy before. "Are you planning on telling her this soon? To be honest, I think it's long overdue." The taller girl nods her head in the affirmative, "Yeah, I'm taking her out on Friday night and I'll tell her there." 

"That's amazing Dinah, I'm so happy you two found each other." Dinah realizes that she had completely forgotten a recent promise she had made to Lauren. "So. Are you going to tell me who you were texting last night or do I have to steal your phone and find out for myself?" She says while wiggling her eyebrows, making her friend laugh. "I took Camila out yesterday, we were texting after I brought her back home." The Polynesian girl jumps in the air with eyes wide open. "YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH HER AND DIDN'T TELL ME?" Lauren shrugged, "We haven't done much yet, I told her that I'm not really ready for a new relationship yet and she agreed to hang out and get to know each other better until I possibly am."

"Oh my God, my plan worked." It takes a second for Lauren to make the connection, then she sends an open hand to slap her roommate's arm. Dinah held the affected area with her other arm while sending a quizzed look as if to ask 'what was that for?' "You fucking played us. We both came to you and all you were able to say was to talk to each other. I mean thanks, but you could have said that you had one of us come up and talk about it?" All she can do is laugh in response, knowing that she damn well earned herself the position as Captain on the ship S.S. Camren.

"So how was the date then?" Lauren sighs before answering. "It was amazing. I've never liked somebody so much before and I don't want to ruin this. On one hand, I want to have her as my girlfriend, but I don't know if I'm ready." She puts her head in the palms of her hands in contemplation. "Well I know that she really likes you and will wait forever if she has to, just do what you feel is right at the right time. She understands your situation and would never do anything to make you feel pressured about your relationship. Keep good communication with her so you two are on the same track and all will fall into place." Lauren lifts her head to look at her friend, "I took her on the boat." The tall girl shoots her head up, clearly surprised by the statement and waiting for her to expand. "I don't know why, everything inside of me was telling me to take her there. I had packed some food so we could sit on the beach or something, but I changed my mind and went there as if I had planned it." That boat held almost everything important to Lauren, she hasn't allowed anybody to even touch it since her uncle and her stopped going out on it. "It was fate that you two met. You're meant to be, you won't even let your uncle touch that boat and you took it out with her. Wow." All Lauren can do is continue to shrug, she has no idea what is is about Camila, but she is very important to her. "Thanks Dinah, I missed our talks, we need to do it more often again."

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