Rollercoaster Date

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"It’s way too short, what’s up with that skirt? Why did you have to wear that on a windy day like today?" Namjoon was clearly not happy with what you're wearing right now.

It's Sunday and it's almost summer. It's a date with Namjoon who's currently sulking at you last night because he can't contact you for whole day and only to find out you reach home late and drunk, so you dressed up a bit in a low cut shirt and short skirt.

You think he's gonna like it. He like sexy girl and he's not a narrow-minded man, but as soon as he saw you, he can't stop complaining about it.

"People are stealing glances at you, even not me who's a celebrities. What’s wrong with you? It’s embarrassing, “Look at her”, don't you hear it? They’re blatantly looking at you and whispering about you." He continue his dragging when both of you walking around the Han river, his favorite spot.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, you shift your attention to his unhappy face.

"Do you really need to complain about it all day long? I knew it, it's too short. Just get over it can't you? Why are you obsessed with my short skirt?" You asked, almost looks your sanity.

Maybe the alcohol you took last night still left a little bit effect on you.

"Look at you, how to not complain?? It’s way too low-cut, what’s up with showing all that skin? Jaem, be careful when you stop down low. You’re gonna show everything underneath. What’s wrong with you, I can see everything. Who are you doing this for?" He snap and stop walking out of sudden, drives you nuts.

Namjoon isn't the type who complain a lot about what you wear, you've been dating him for almost 2 years but you don't understand why is he being like this today.

"Why are you like this, Namjoon? You usually never complain about my outfit that much. I came here not to hear your dragging all day long. I apologize for my mistake for not telling you and went to club and get drunk last night. I came here as my apologize for you, why are you making it harder?" You increase your voice at him.

At this point, both of you almost lost the patient of each other. Luckily, there's not much people around there, so it's safe for you two to continue the arguments.

"You're the one who make it harder, Jaem! You always left me on read, you always gone away ignoring my messages and calls, later I'll only found you happily active in your SNS account. What am I to you? Are we in some business relationship or what? It feels like you keep push me away from you. Is this what you want?" He lost it and scream at you.

Namjoon has been hold it for too long. It's because he loves you too much so he never mentioned anything that makes him feel uneasy and questioning about your feelings to him.

"I do love you crazy, oh do you?" He smirk after he calm down a bit.

You're somehow feel guilty because being an innocent girlfriend you are, you really never know that Namjoon would feel that way. You thought he's just not that type of clingy boyfriend, so you really don't have idea about what he just throw at you right now.

"Now you blame it on me when I complain about your skirt. You know? Now, your skirt looks shorter than the distance between you and me. Your skin exposure is deeper than our relationship. Why? You want me to witness how guys will hitting on you?

Jaem, let me makes this clear. I’m not just a narrow-minded guy who is jealous. But you know one thing but not two. You think they’re looking because you’re pretty? Men are all wolves. You’re not even worried, you’re scoffing at me, making me into a narrow-minded man. Do you really not know?"

Namjoon is being himself again, the poetic Namjoon is here, you thought.

Even though you were mad at him earlier and he also screamed at you, now listening to him complain like a kid sound cute to you.

Moreover, is he jealous?

You don't notice about it, maybe that's he gets even angrier.

"Let's get some ice cream to cool down our brain, should we Mr. Kim?" You tried to smile at him and without waiting for his answer, you drag him to the nearest ice cream stall.

After getting a scoop of vanila ice cream for you and a scoop of chocolate ice cream for him, you drag him to a bench. You know both of you need to talk about it, sooner or later.

He's still sulking, you guess. He haven't say anything yet ever since. Now both of you are sitting on the bench side by side and you're dying of the awkward silent.

"Joonie, can you say something? Stop sulking with me." You started, turn to him, trying to use your aegyo but he doesn't even look at you.

"Ah, seriously. If you're still mad because of my outfit, let me tell you. I dressed up to makes you happy. I know you like sexy girl, so I came dress up like this. Why are you so mad and ignoring me like this? It's not fun."

Then you hear him scoff lightly before turn to you.

"It’s so hard to reach your level. Again today, our different opinions torture me. Am I doing this because I like it? Am I doing this to start a fight? Even to me, you’re always so gentle and pretty. Yes, I like sexy girls, and I like how you dress today but I like it if it’s ONLY in front of me, do this only in front of me, can't you??? My insides are burning up because of you." He replied and throw his gaze away from you once again after he done talking.

"I'm sorry." You mutter slowly, started to feel guilty. "I just-"

"Stop being so stubborn, I’ll try to trust you more but don't lie to me. I can clearly see you’re uncomfortable, that you feel awkward wearing this outfit. You’re putting yourself through trouble on purpose? You’re not even worried, you’re scoffing at me, making me into a narrow-minded man. Do you really not know?"

"Eo~ I don't know about it. It's my bad then." You said feel guilty for awhile before the urge to finish your ice cream come out, you really don't want it to melt away and go waste.

"This is one of the inconvenient truth that girls never know. Guys who likes sexy girls never want their girlfriends to dress sexily for others, don't you get it??"

"I got it, Mr. Kim. I'll throw this outfit away." You said nonchalantly.

"No. Keep it." Namjoon said as he finish his ice cream as well.

"Eh? Why? You said-"

"Wear it when I'm home. I like it." He said before cough several times, and you catch 50 shades of red on his cheeks.

Then slowly, his frown face changing into embarrassed smile.

What a rollercoaster date with Mr. Kim.

Theme Song: Inconvenient Truth by Infinite

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