Chapter 26

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I’m looking on the window watching the cars driving on the both sides the rain is pouring and it’s so cold. I grip on my sleeves and trying so hard not to cry whenever I think about what Marco have said over the phone, I don’t know what to do should I ask Marco about it or not? Does my mom even know this? I have this big confusion on my mind that I can’t deal with, maybe I’m just over reacting? It could be another boy he’s talking about but I’m feeling so stressed out. I’m still staring on the window I was like on a different planet just being away in this real world I wanted to escape but I can’t.

“Ms. Wells?” Someone called me.

I look over. Shit. I forgot I’m on my class.

“Yes? Sorry?” I said on my teacher. She looks so disturbed.

“Ms. Wells, what can you say about Mr. Sean’s reaction?”

“Uhhh, what is it again?” I said I was really shy this time at class.

Everyone look at me and the others take out a laugh.

“You’re not paying attention today Ms. Wells, I expect you’ll be active by tomorrow.” She said.

I was really been taking over by this thing that I’ve known. I even forgot I’m on my English Literature class, it’s been a month now and I’m back to school so does Michael. After I heard Marco saying those words I try to make a space between me and Michael for the last weeks. I ignore him and not answering his calls that often. I know he can sense that something’s bothering me but I still deny it. I deny everything whenever he asks me the same question if I’m alright. I want to talk to Marco about it but I have no guts to do it even for my mom I’m too scared and for Michael’s mom, what happened to us is still unspoken. As far as I can see Michael’s mom didn’t tell Michael about it because he never speak anything about it or he knew, he just keep quiet.

The bell rang and it’s my last subject, I put my books on my bag then I got out of the room I slowly walk on the hallway it doesn’t feel the same way before, I walk towards on my locker few of my schoolmates wave at me I just smiled at them. I open my locker and I have this wide mirror hanging on the locker door I stare on myself wearing my dark navy blue skirt, white blouse and a khaki blazer, yup, wearing my damn school uniform. I brush my hair and keep everything organized on my locker for tomorrow’s class then I close my locker as I did someone is standing behind it. It’s Bree.

“Hey, how are you?” Bree said to me.

“I don’t want to talk right now..” I said and move away from her.

“Please Lai? I’m worried about you.” She follows me on the hallway.

“Please leave me alone.” I shove her hand on my arm.

“Lai, you’re not okay. I can see that just talk to me! I know you need someone who can understand you.” She yelled on me.

I stopped walking. People on school looked at me.

I try to hold my tears. What she said is true. But I’m still mad at her I have this little pride on me that I keep on going for her.

“Not now Aubrey.” I said then I continue walking and push the last door and went outside.

I’m heading now to the school’s parking lot to get my car and just wanting to go home and lay on my bed. As I walk I saw Michael sitting on the side of my car he’s looking on the other side I stop and stare at him he’s so tall his hands are on his pockets he’s wearing a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans with his black boots his blonde hair swaying on his forehead because of the wind. I miss seeing him like that, it’s like the first day I ever saw him on my front door. I gulped. Looking at him makes me rewind everything we’ve been to how he always says he loves me, how he cupped my cheeks and the way he always say he will never leave me all those promises he always tell me.

MISTAKE | Michael CliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang