Chapter 29

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The night I went to Lai, I feel a little bit of a tragic inside of me. I still keep thinking who in the world will send me this? After we talked I let her go back to her house and take a rest because it’s school night though she don’t want to, she keep insisting herself to have the letter but I didn’t give it to her. She was fully concern and wanted to know who send that to me. As I got back home mom was asleep, I keep on dialing Jc’s number but it’s still unavailable. I think he changed his number for some reason or maybe because of this but I have no proof for that.

It’s already middle of the night I can’t sleep because of this. I try to remember everything that ever happened to me, as far as I know when I reach 7 years old mom told me that my dad left us when I was 3. I was a total loner before until I met Jen and Ashton but it wasn’t that much thing that happened, as I enter high school it’s still the same. Ashton was a year older than me and he already finish high school, Jen was homeschooled. When I got transfer to Stanford Academy by the help of Marco it’s still nothing, I still live the same old boring day. Even the time I place on a bet to win my motor bike, it’s on the Car Drifting with my rich schoolmates, Luke brought me with him to watch there but we got into a little fight so Luke says he will bet on his car if his friend lost but if he didn’t he’ll take the black Ducati, then it got all done, as I have it now.

But it still doesn’t make any sense. What mistake is that? Is my mom hiding something to me? I should ask her, I was staring on the ceiling of my bedroom as I fall asleep.

It’s already Tuesday morning I quickly make myself ready. I went down so I could ask mom right away but she’s not around already, damn it. I just took a piece of bread and went out, I keep eating as I go to school I just walk few miles. I was too depressed to take my motorcycle with me, not that depressed but I’m thinking and thinking too much might lead me to an accident.

As I got to school all of my schoolmates were laughing on something, I saw Luke with one of my friends in school, Chase.

“Hey guys what’s with everybody?” I said and patted Luke and Chase’s shoulder.

“Oh you know some useless shit.” Chase said.

“What?” I look confuse.

“Someone from the football team try to prank that guy” Luke said and pointing to the hopeless looking kid.

“What did he do?” I asked.

“Well he kinda ‘disrespect’ the team captain and they prank him, they send weird letters to him, I think he thought it was true but that poor kid figure it out they did it, then he tries to fight but he was just too weak to fight.” Chase said and spat Luke’s arm and they both laugh.

“What kind of letter?” I was thinking they might send it to me too, because those guys where on the night when Luke won at the Car’s Drifting, where we place a bet.

“They said it was just a threat to his family something like that, but it was too much.” Luke said.

The football freaks still pick on him but suddenly I feel bad, what if they also try to threat me like that? No one was helping the poor kid but the bell rings already so we decided to go in the class. I feel a little bothered about that, I guess I should just forget about the stupid letter and about Jc. Maybe this is just a joke after all.

Lai’s POV

I’m feeling bored and it’s my lunch time, I was with Bree. It’s a good thing sitting with her again every lunch break I miss being with her. I’m eating my pudding and suddenly something pops on my mind.

“Bree, can you please cover for me?” I said and stop eating.

“What do you mean cover for you?” She looked weirdly at me.

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