Chapter 6

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It’s Friday in the afternoon and I woke up really late good thing mom wasn’t here because she likes me to wake up really early. I check my phone and I had 5 missed calls from Bree. I knew it she will call me, I dialed her phone number I wanna hang out with her today I’ve missed her already and I need to ask her some girly advice for my feeling towards Michael. It only took 3 rings then she answered it.

“Howdy Miss.” I said she laughed.

“Howdy, Hey Lai sorry about last night that was such a dick move from me, I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you.” Bree tried to explain.

“Tell me? So you mean that Luke guy is your boyfriend?” I ask her.

“Not yet, we’re still dating but we will get there soon. Is he okay?” She said.

“Okay hope it all works out! And are you crazy? He’s fucking hot! Where in the world did you find that human?” I yelled in the phone to make her laugh and she did. I was a bit of joker sometimes.

“I found that human at Starbucks. Crazy right?” She said.

“What? Then how come you two start dating? When is this?” I yelled again as I pick some clothes on my drawer to change.

“Few weeks ago, we accidentally switch orders because I was in a hurry we both ordered same hot cappuccino mine was tall, I didn’t notice I grab his and it’s grande size.” Bree said I can hear she giggles.

“That was interesting Aubrey, let’s meet I have something to ask to you too.” I told her.

“Okay, sorry I didn’t tell you soon I was just not ready.” She said.

“It’s fine not a big deal. Let’s go at the park meet me in 15 minutes bye.” I hang up.

So I dressed up I wear this green short sleeve dress and a black flats, I thought I wanna look cute today. I came downstairs and Marco isn’t around he left a note on his office door that says:

“I’ll be out I might be home tomorrow really busy for recording for the upcoming event, your mom knows the details I know you’re not interested. I called her. She’ll call you soon, dial my number for troubles. I cancel my tutorial for Michael.”

Well this note seems nice to me but on the other hand I feel sad I will not see Michael tomorrow. Anyway I hope I’ll see him around. I walk to get to the park because it’s only few blocks away and I get there I saw Bree sitting down near the fountain.

“Lai!” Bree shouted.

“Hey.” I said.

“Why so sad? Is something wrong?” Bree asked.

“I told you on the phone I have to ask you something, right?”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“You see, um I like someone but I’m not sure for this.” I told her as I look away to distract myself.

“Like someone? Who?” She look concerned.

“The punk guy.” I said while I cover my face with my hands.

“What! The punk guy, you mean Michael?” She yelled.

“Yes. You see I hugged him few days ago” I said and my voice is really low.

“Oohhhhhkay missy I guess we’re even now but why did you hug him? And wait I thought your eyes are on Jc, I’m confused.”

“Me either! I mean I hang out with Jc too I talked to him twice this week but nothing, I feel nothing I think I just have a crush on him and that’s it. But with Michael at first yeah I don’t like him but there’s this little thing that keeps growing inside of me.” I tried to explain.

“Well all I can say is whoever you like and whoever your feelings desire, whatever your heart wants I’m here but choose the right one this time. I mean it’s still early none of them making a move yet and who knows right? Jc might like you back or Michael on the other hand. I just wish one thing” Bree said to me, she’s really good at this because I know she only date few guys but it’s all decent.

“What one thing?” I questioned.

“Not a Calum type, that’s all.” She said as she pulled me into hug.

Tears stream down on my face. I know I shouldn’t cried for this again it’s been a year I moved on but I guess I can’t escape because I gave up something and it’s my virginity. I met Calum when I was 17 we both go on the same school. I have the same 4 periods with him he was nice very cheeky and outgoing he’s a soccer play in school he also loves music he asked me out because we always get along on our classes then we started dating. Our relationship took one year and a  half, when I turned 18, I told myself I’ll give it up which is myself, to someone I love which is him. I love Calum so much one night after my debut he asked and I said yes. It didn’t happened in just one night but a lot, I’ll be honest I liked it. One day we lack each other’s contact when school’s almost over. I cried every night, he ditch me, he doesn’t answer my calls. It makes me more depressed. I hate it. My mom got worried about me and I told her the truth she was shocked but I have to I have no siblings, Bree give me good advice but I need more. Then I decided to break up with him. I know he cheated I could feel it. I dump Calum on the phone when I start talking and telling him all my anger he doesn’t talk and just that when I said I’m breaking up with him he didn’t say any single word which makes me cry I thought cutting but it’s not worth it. After few months I never see him around the school, he changed his schedules. I guess? But I don’t care anymore. I made a huge mistake with him. Big time. I wasted everything, but I was in love that time.

After the conversation I had with Bree she left aready because Luke called her I was gonna go home but I remember no one’s home. Great. I wanted to go to Jc’s secret place but I feel I don’t have the permission I remember he said he’ll call me but I guess he’s busy. I really need someone right now. I don’t know where to go so I just walk and let my feet take me everywhere.

MISTAKE | Michael CliffordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora