Chapter 5

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Lai’s POV

It’s already 2:00pm in the afternoon and I haven’t done anything still on my bed. I decided to go downstairs and to talk to Marco if he’s alright. Even though I hate him I have to. I don’t even know if mom calls him. I am now standing on his office I knock twice but he didn’t open. I tried again but still no response. I guess he’s asleep. The whole house is so quiet this is one boring day. I took a shower after that I just wear jeans shorts and a plain white tank top, then brush my long dark brown hair I look in the mirror feels like my hair is plain and boring I wanna do the tip dye hair but I’m too lazy. I sat down on my bed open my laptop and just check my twitter and facebook then my phone rings, I check the caller ID its Jc.

“Jc, hi!” I said cheerfully.

“Hey, whatcha doin?” Jc said.

“Nothing really I’m so bored.” I told him which is true.

“Do you wanna go out and talk about the film?” He said.

“Yes, that will be great” I told as I stood up and fix my hair.

“Okay, meet me in the mall near Taco Bell. See yeah” Jc said then he hang up.

I ran downstairs and leave the house I didn’t mind Marco. Well he told me don’t disturb him. So I took the bus no traffic so I’ll be there soon. Finally I’m here at the mall I quickly run to Taco Bell, more like slow run…. I already see Jc standing over there.

“Hey Jc!” I called him out loud.

‘Hi there cutie.” He smiled.

“Cutie huh? So what’s up?” I said. Then Jc hold my hand. He didn’t reply to me we just walk then exited the mall.

“Where are we going Jc? I thought we’ll talk about the film?” I asked him anxiously.

“Yeah we are but I’ll show you this place first.” He told me. I thought we will took a cab, bus or something but we just walk he still holds my hand, I blushed. He look at me and smiled. I don’t know why he’s sweet to me like this at first I know he likes Bree, well I guess if he did he’ll ask for her number. As we walk through the sidewalks we found this other way like a shortcut more like way to the jungle. I kinda feel scared. But he still holds my hand and he whispered to my ear ‘Hey It’s okay’ I can feel the warm air from his mouth. So we walk towards that way it’s a little bit creepy though it’s only afternoon because of the trees and the weird smell like a jungle or forest. I don’t really know. But when we get there I was shocked. There’s a garden, a huge garden filled with daisies. I never thought there will be something like this in here, Jc move his hand away and run towards to the center of the garden.

“Hurry up Lai! Let’s talk over here!” Jc shouted.

“You’re crazy Jc!” I shouted too.

So I run over there, Jc lay down, it’s like a bed full of daisies. We laugh together. Then Jc started talking about his film.

“So um… about the film.” Jc said.

“Go on tell me Jc.” I said.

“The summer film contest is in 2 weeks you can enter anything as long as it’s 30 minutes. I wanted mine dramatic like what I’ve said before, so I wanna film it here. This will be the start and ending of the film the girl met the guy here but also they’ll break up here. Sounds awful but it will give you a good lesson and a valid reason why they will broke up. Kian already made the script. As for your step-dad’s soundtracks.. The one he composed? The Silent Scream it will fit perfectly for it. But of course Marco will be on the credit.” Jc said and he look at me with a smile on his face.

“Wow. That’s deep Jc. Where did you get that inspiration?” I asked.

“You will know soon when it’s over.” He said then he slides his fingers on my cheeks. Shit. It gives me goose bumps but I didn’t feel anything special for him.

That was really perfect. I never thought that will happen. Jc and I leave the secret place, I actually don’t know what that place called even Jc I ask him what he will call that place and he said ‘The Secret Getaway’. This boy has some inspirations. But the fact I have a crush on him I don’t feel anything more than of that like the way I feel with Michael. Wait. Am I really in love with that boy? Still confuse. I need answers. Speaking of Michael I wonder how is he. Hope he’s doing well. Anyway I’ll see him on Saturday. After a long walk with Jc I refuse to have a ride with him I decided to walk I don’t know why but I feel I have to. We exchange goodbyes and Jc promise me that he’ll call me again.

As I walk across the street near the mall. I saw a familiar face. It’s Bree. She’s with someone, not just someone but a blonde, blue eyed guy. Holy shit he’s damn gorgeous this girl is keeping secrets from me. I shout Bree’s first name which is Aubrey, she turn around and give me a frown face she blushed and walk towards to me.

“Lai, Hi.” Bree said and give me an anxious look.

“Hi Aubrey why you didn’t answer my calls? Seems you’re busy with something.” I said and tease her.

“Yeah, um Lai this is Luke.. Luke this is my best friend the one I told you.” She said and Luke give me a wave.

“Okay I don’t wanna disturb you both but I’ll go home now, nice meeting you Luke.” I said to Bree and winked at her also I wave goodbye to Luke.

I am now few blocks away to get home. I have a feeling Bree will call me sooner or later to explain who that Luke guy is. I remember its Thursday. I kinda feel excited to see Michael on Saturday I really wanna talk to him again, I wanna know his story, and who is he. He’s still mysterious for me. I am now already home, it’s only 7:40pm I open the door I saw Marco he’s on the couch eating his fancy take out dinner as always. He’s like this whenever his home.

“Where have you been Alaissa?” Marco asked me.

“Out with a friend. By the way about the soundtrack that I was talking about for the short film for my friend, he said it will be the ‘The Silent Scream’ and he’ll put you on the credits. Wait, will you charge him or something?” I said.

“Okay, your mom called me. I say you went out. That one? I guess his film will be sad, of course he should put me on the credits; no I won’t charge him I know that film contest every summer. Did Michael tell you he said yes?” He said.

“What did mom say? How did you know it’s sad? Okay I’ll tell him thank you and yes he did.” I told him.

“She said she’ll leave New York early tomorrow night to fly off to Canada they already got the business deal over there. I know because I composed that and I know you never pay attention to my music that’s why you don’t know.” He said to me and he stand up and throws his plastic plate and grabs a wine over the wine cabinet we had on the kitchen.

I didn’t reply to him. I just walk away and run to my room I change my clothes and lay down. Too early to sleep. Then Michael pop into my head again I should ask for his number but, should I really make a move for myself? Shit. This feeling is getting far. It’s like a maze on my mind I should find the answer for this feelings I had, is it official that I like Michael the like like feelings or just an ordinary teenage crush. 

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