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•Chapter Forty•
My Sister's Keeper

Nydri had known no different when he set a Realm Stone on the floor of Frigga's chamber and sent the Queen's duplicate to Midgard. The illusion was gone far to quick for any but those who had known it to be false to even notice the flash of green. Lord Alder, Nydri, and the mass of guards—both Jötun and Asgardian alike—soon filtered out of the room.

Thor had been easy as well.  No one suspected the two healers that drifted into the Eastern wing with trays of wrappings and salves for the injuries the Prince had sustained trying to escape. And no one noticed when one of those salves had been a potion crafted by Eir in order to break the barrier with holding Thor.

A seventh member had been added to the entourage.

Days had passed, and still, no one suspected a thing.  As far as they knew.

They were running on borrowed time.  It was a matter of one wrong move and they would be discovered.

And it seemed that they were yet again pushing their already teetering luck when Heimdal slipped—shielded by cloaks—into the abandoned passageway.   He was not alone—and had it not been for Loki recognizing the second figure following in after the Gate Keeper, they would have attacked. 

Lady Sif was with him.

Heimdal pulled the hood of his cloak off, nodding at Loki, "clever hiding spot, Prince."

"We assumed you would spy us eventually," Loki started, he grimaced, nodding back to Heimdal.  "Did Koa make it?"


Lord Malki visibly sighed and his shoulders slumped in relief.  He instantly composed himself the moment he realized he had done so, but Loki had spied the reaction.

Heimdal turned back to Loki, "but that is not why I have sought you out.  Your sister is in Asgard."


Loki blinked.


"Two Frost Giants used a Realm Stone.  I did not see them until they returned to Asgard."  Heimdal explained, stalking farther into the room.  As he spoke, Sif approached Frigga.  "Both Alrekr and Käro were taken too."

Any relief Malki had, seeped from his form. 

Loki shared this feeling.  Sigyn slipped her hand in his, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.

"Where are they now?"  Loki's voice was thick with anger.  If Lorien was hurt, if so much as a bruise lined her skin...

Not even Heimdal's allseeing gaze would be able to find Nydri's body.

"Lorien and Alrekr are in the dungeon.  I can not see Käro."

Something cold rushed Loki.  They had separated them—why? 

He glanced at Heimdal, "what level?"

"First," the Gate Keeper responded.

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