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•Chapter Three•

I had directed my friends/guests towards the hallway in which the room Tony gave me last time I visited, was in.  My room was located on 17th floor, and I had decided that taking the stairs would be a better idea then taking the Elevator—especially with two Asgardians and a massive wolf.

Alrekr and Tove settled into their respective rooms—Tove to my right and Alrekr at the other end of the hall, a request courtesy of Loki—quite quickly.  I told Käro that he could sleep in my room or wherever random location that would scare Tony the most.

Käro still hadn't been around Tony that much.

Käro didn't object to my suggestion.

I have a feeling Tony will probably kick us out before the end of the month.

But until then Käro, Tove and Alrekr were hanging out in my room—the latter two were throwing out questions like there was no tomorrow.  How big was New York?  What is the black box on the wall?  Who all lived here?

"Slow down," I giggled, throwing my hands in front of myself, "I can only answer one question at a time."

"Would you like me to answer for you, Miss Lorien?"  A feminine voice asked from above—both Alrekr and Tove jumped, heads spinning to find the source of the voice.  Good timing F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"No thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.  I've got this."  I responded before looking back across at my friends, wide eyes and all.

"What in the nine realms is that?"  Alrekr gapped, I resisted a laugh.

"That's F.R.I.D.A.Y,  she's an A.I. Tony created.  A.I. stands for 'Artificial Intelligence.'"  I explained.

"That is correct, Miss Lorien."  F.R.I.D.A.Y chirped.

"So this, Friday isn't an actual being?  Your friend Tony created her?"  Tove murmured and I quickly nodded my head.

"She's the second A.I. he's created.  She's like super smart.  She handles most of the computerized security and she could probably answer any question you ask her."  I added.  Käro, from the floor, snorted.

"Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y, why is Lorien stupid?" 

I rolled my eyes.

"I would not use the derogatory term 'stupid' as an adjective to describe Miss Lorien—perhaps intelligent, clever, or cunning would be better examples?"  F.R.I.D.A.Y suggested.  I burst out laughing.

Alrekr chuckled, "I think she won this round, Käro."

Käro grumbled something about karma under his breath before returning his head to his paws.  He huffed, closing his eyes.

"Look how sad he looks," Tove teased, bounding up from my bed with unbelievable grace.  That was one thing I would always be jealous of—all of the Asgardian's sense of balance.  Half the time I stand up, I end up falling on my butt.

Tove reached down to pat Käro's head but before she could so much as brush his fur, a low growl escaped his throat. 

"Don't even think about it."

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